Types of temporary signs
Gain a better understanding of the types of temporary signs, including election signs, that are defined and regulated in the Sign By-law and what types of signs, sizes and placements are allowed.

A-frame sign
A temporary, double-faced sign with no less than two sides of similar length forming its apex allowing it to stand on the ground, such as a sandwich board.

Advertising sign, third party
A sign that is owned and maintained for the purpose of renting or leasing of the sign face area for advertising purposes. Copy and/or advertisements on these signs should be occasionally substituted or replaced.

Banner sign, cross-street
A temporary double-or single-faced lightweight, open-web banner sign suspended across a street and mounted on poles designed to support this sign type.

Banner sign, light pole
A temporary double-or single-faced lightweight, open-web banner sign mounted on support arm(s) that are attached to an individual light pole located on private property.

Banner sign, projecting
A temporary double-or single-faced lightweight, open-web banner sign mounted on support arms that are attached perpendicularly to an exterior building wall.

Banner sign, street light pole
A temporary double or single-faced lightweight, open-web banner sign mounted on support arm(s) that are attached to an individual light pole or utility pole located on the municipal boulevard.

Banner sign, wall
A temporary single-faced lightweight, open-web banner attached to and positioned parallel to an exterior building wall.

Charitable sign
A temporary double or single-faced sign located, installed, or displayed on private property to advertise non-profit or charitable event by a non-profit organization, charity, place of worship, or school board and does not promote a business or product.

Community mobile sign
A temporary double-faced sign issued to a charitable or not-for-profit group whose primary purpose is to provide recreational, cultural or community services to town residents.

Congratulatory sign
A temporary double or single-faced sign that promotes a private special occasion and does not contain a commercial message nor direct persons to a commercial enterprise.

Development sign, ground
A temporary double or single-faced ground sign that provides information promoting a development site or construction site as part of a plan of subdivision or a plan of condominium that has received draft approval, or the construction of a building or building complex.

Development sign, a-frame
A temporary, double-faced A-frame sign displayed on town property that directs attention to the sale of new dwelling units.

Election sign
A double or single-faced sign advertising or promoting the election of a political party or a candidate for public office in a federal, provincial or municipal election and includes signs promoting the position of a person registered to campaign with respect to a question on a ballot and third-party election signs.
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