Campaign Contribution Rebate Program

A rebate for eligible individuals who make monetary contributions to candidates running for Council positions.

Town of Oakville Council passed By-law 2021-122, which authorizes a contribution rebate program for eligible individuals who make monetary contributions to candidates running for position on Council. The contribution rebate program is a voluntary program for candidates. 

A candidate must enrol for this program in order for a contributor to be eligible for a rebate.

Contribution requirements

  • the contributor must be an eligible elector, residing in the Oakville;
  • the minimum contribution qualifying for a rebate shall be $100;
  • each contribution of $100 or more shall be eligible for a rebate of 50 per cent;
  • contributors do not exceed the maximum contribution limits of $1200 per candidate and a maximum total contribution of $5000.
  • Corporations and Trade Unions are not eligible to participate in the rebate program; and
  • a candidate for an office on municipal council or their family member, as defined in By-law 2021-122, are not eligible to receive a rebate for contributions to that individual candidate’s campaign.

The application period for candidates and contributors to submit an application for rebate closed June 30, 2023.

Payments for contributors who have met all the requirements will be issued September 2023.

For more details regarding the rebate program please refer to By-law 2021-122.

Candidate requirements

A candidate for an office on municipal council who participated in the rebate program:

  • shall comply with section 88.25 of the Act as amended, requiring that a financial statement be filed on or before 2 p.m. on the filing date, reflecting the candidate’s election campaign finances;
  • shall submit the documents filed under subsection 88.25 of the Act, along with a copy of the receipt issued for each contribution;
  • shall pay any campaign surplus to the Town of Oakville which shall become the property of the municipality; and
  • shall file all of the appropriate documentation in accordance with the Act, and By-law 2021-122, and any compliance audit applications shall be resolved in favour of the candidate, prior to any rebates being issued to contributors.