The Property Standards By-law includes a set of regulations that determine the minimum requirements for the condition and maintenance of buildings and structures on private property.
These standards intend to ensure that buildings are safe, habitable, and free from hazards. Minimum standards set out in the by-law include but aren’t limited to:
- Maintaining a home or apartment in a state of good repair, this includes stair railings, plumbing, electrical, fences, foundations, walls, windows and roofs
- Landlords are required to have heating facilities capable of maintaining a temperature of 20 degrees Celsius
- Outdoor lighting from a property is not permitted to directly illuminate the interior of another dwelling. Visit the Light Pollution Guidelines page for more information.
Non-compliance with the by-law may result in fees and charges under the Administrative Penalty By-law 2021-038.
Certificate of compliance
Property owner(s) or authorized agents may request a property standards certificate of compliance from a Municipal Standards Investigator.
This certificate of compliance will provide confirmation of the following:
- the property complies with an Order issued under the Town of Oakville Property Standards By-law; or,
- there is an active Property Standards Order issued on the property; or,
- the property is not currently under investigation under the regulations found in the Property Standards By-law
To request a certificate of compliance, complete the Certificate of Compliance Request Form (pdf) and email it to