The by-law regulates the use of a municipal right of way which refers to land owned by town including opened or unopened road allowances, public walkways, municipal services (such as public parking lots listed with the Parking Lot By-law) or public utilities, but excludes town lands owned or operated as parkland, creeks and watercourse, and related public trail systems.
Restrictions under the Municipal Right of Way By-law include, but are not limited to:
- Placing equipment or materials of any kind upon or within a municipal right of way;
- Displaying or exhibiting merchandise or articles of any nature kind within a municipal right of way;
- Closing or obstructing a municipal right of way in whole or in part;
- Undertaking any activity that negatively impacts the use and function of a municipal right of way;
- Obstructing a drain, gutter, water course or culvert along or upon a municipal right of way;
- Causing any material to be thrown, piled or placed across or on a municipal right of way;
- Depositing snow or ice in such a manner as to obstruct access to any fire hydrant within the municipal right of way;
- Depositing snow or ice so as to interfere with the safe passage of vehicles or pedestrians within the municipal right of way;
- Allowing any part of a tree, shrub, sapling, hedge or any other plant to extend over or upon any municipal right of way, so as to interfere with, impede or endanger persons using the municipal right of way;
- Pulling down, destroying, defacing or in any way interfere with, any municipal infrastructure, including but not limited to, any post, surveyor's mark, bench mark, traffic sign, roadway name sign, sign board, regulatory sign, traffic signal, traffic cone, or any other traffic control device, affixed, or placed on a municipal right of way.
Non-compliance with the by-law may result in fees and charges under the Administrative Penalty By-law 2021-038.