How to search for a by-law
- Use the Search Municipal By-laws page and enter a keyword (e.g. Fence) or a by-law number (e.g. 2002-034).
- Narrow your search results by using the filter and sort options.
- Browse the search results. To view a PDF version, click on the by-law number of your choice.
- To start a new search, go to the by-law search home page, clear filters and search again.
Town by-laws and their associated amendments are also on file in the Town of Oakville Clerk’s department. While the town makes every effort to publish current by-law details on this website, the online documents are provided for the purpose of information gathering only and may not reflect all related amendments.
If you are experiencing difficulty using the By-law Search tool or to ensure you are accessing the most accurate and complete by-laws, please contact the Clerk’s department at 905-815-6015 or at
The by-laws include those enacted, amended and repealed by the Councils of the Town of Oakville, the former Trafalgar Township, the former Village of Bronte, as well as those enacted, amended and repealed by the Ontario Municipal Board, Local Planning Appeal Tribunal or the Ontario Land Tribunal. The oldest by-law in the collection dates back to 1850.
A by-law that is neither amended nor repealed by another by-law.
A by-law in force and effect with associated amending by-law(s).
Approved by OMB, LPAT, OLT
A by-law in force and effect as approved by the Ontario Municipal Board, Local Planning Appeal Tribunal or the Ontario Land Tribunal.
A by-law that is no longer in force and effect.
Under OMB, LPAT, OLT appeal
All or parts of the by-law may not be in force and effect as they are currently being reviewed by the Ontario Municipal Board, Local Planning Appeal Tribunal or the Ontario Land Tribunal.
20-day appeal period
A by-law that has been approved by Council but is not in force and effect until the 20-day appeal period has passed.
There may be one or more subject categories assigned to each by-law depending on context. Selecting a specific subject can narrow your search or selecting more than one subject can broaden your search.
Town of Oakville
By-laws from the year 1961 to current are numbered in this format: yyyy-xxx (Four numerals that represent a year with three numerals following, separated by a hyphen e.g. 2010-035).
Village of Bronte
By-laws from the former Village of Bronte are numbered in this format: Bxx-xx or Bxxx-xx (Letter 'B' that represents Bronte with two or three numerals, separated by a hyphen followed by two numerals which represent the last two digits of the year e.g. B96-54 or B209-57)
Township of Trafalgar
By-laws from the former Township of Trafalgar are numbered in this format: Tyyyy-xxx (Letter 'T' that represents Trafalgar with four numerals that represent the year, separated by a hyphen and followed by three numerals e.g. T1953-059).
Early Oakville
By-laws from Early Oakville from the year 1857 to 1961 are numbered in this format: Oxxx (Letter 'O' that represents Early Oakville followed by three numerals e.g. O942).