2022 was a year of recovery and re-engagement, change and growth, and hope for the future. We continued to help all Oakville residents thrive and shine in 2022. That meant expanding our recreational trails by 5 km, new roadway active transportation (sidewalks and multi-use paths) by 25 km, adding 87 hectares of parklands, extending our popular patio initiative by issuing 88 public and private permits, breaking ground on a new North Oakville community centre and much more — all while delivering the lowest tax increase in Halton. Residents say Oakville's trails, parks, waterfront, green spaces, community facilities and clean air are important parts of what makes this town so livable.
Thanks to our strong financial situation, Oakville emerged from the impacts of the pandemic better than other cities. Years of fiscal discipline and performance-based budgeting have kept us in good financial health. Our taxes are at or below inflation and our reserves are solid.
For the fourth year in a row, Site Selection Magazine named Oakville one of Canada’s best locations for investment. In 2022, we attracted more great companies to our town and celebrated the growth of the existing business base. Investment in facility expansions and innovation resulted in job creation and key sector growth.
The growth projected for Oakville over the next 30 years, assigned by the Provincial Government, ensures our continued prosperity. The ambitious immigration targets set by the Federal Government means that Oakville will keep welcoming the best and the brightest from around the world in the coming years.
Our community will have new facilities and new community infrastructure to keep up with growth. Council and town staff will build and maintain what our residents and businesses need to thrive and shine. This helps create a complete community that can reach their potential in line with our Livable Oakville Official Plan.
Today, we can embrace our future with confidence as we continue to create Canada’s most livable town.

Mayor Rob Burton, BA, MS
Head of Council and CEO