The Towne Square Revitalization Project is back on track!

The Towne Square project is on track for revitalization starting in September. Redevelopment of the Towne Square is a key town initiative as outlined in the Council Strategic Action Plan Update 2023-2026 (pdf), and is targeted for completion in Q2 of 2026.

The Town of Oakville has made some refinements to the approved design concept approved by Council in 2017 that responds to feedback we had received from the public and stakeholder consultation process. With a $4.3 million budget, this revitalization promises an accessible, green, comfortable, distinctive, and vibrant square in the heart of downtown Oakville. 

The town will advance the project for tendering this spring. After a busy summer of planned events in Towne Square construction is scheduled to begin in September.

As part of our plan to revitalize Oakville's historic downtown, we are redesigning Towne Square, a small but unique public space located at 210 Lakeshore Road E.

Towne Square is an important space for the business community and residents. Building on the work done on the downtown streetscape design, a new design for Towne Square will enhance the vibrancy of the neighbourhood and provide more opportunities for public events.

The redeveloped Towne Square will complement the Lakeshore Road streetscape and will incorporate the traditional style of furniture and materials endorsed by local residents and businesses and approved by Council in 2017 as part of the Lakeshore Road Reconstruction and Streetscape Project (pdf).

Public consultation

Public consultation and feedback have been integral and fundamental to the design of the Towne Square project. Key stakeholders included Ward 3 Resident Associations, Brosko Property Management, Oakville Downtown, two residential condominiums bordering Towne Square, and the town’s Ward 3 Councillors. The following is a high-level timeline of the extensive public consultation to date that has resulted in a refined plan that is context sensitive, accessible, flexible for different programs, green, aligned with the capital budget, and realistic to operate and maintain.

  • June 2018: Four preliminary design concepts presented at public meeting for feedback
  • November 2018 to January 2019: Two refined concepts were presented at a public meeting and feedback shared by public through an online survey
  • January to March 2019: Concepts refined further, and the preferred concept was selected
  • April 2019: The preferred concept presented at a public meeting and supported, and a request for a commitment by town staff to explore reducing the size of the water feature, and increasing the amount of planting in the square
  • January 2020: Project was tendered and came in over budget.  The project was put on hold until 2024
  • November 2024 to January 2025: Delegation by Ward 3 Resident Associations for refinements to the Towne Square design; further consultation undertaken to refine the final preferred concept while maintaining integrity and key elements of the design
  • December 2024: Town of Oakville Council approved 2025 capital budget funding for consultant fees required to refine the design concept, develop detailed design and tender documents for construction.

Final design refinements to preferred concept

The highlights below demonstrate the town’s commitment to addressing the public’s concerns brought forward in 2019 and comments from the delegation by Ward 3 Resident Associations in November 2024. The town can now proceed with this detailed design to tender the project for construction starting in September.


  • Accessible design including tonal contrast in pavers coupled with soft grade transitions between the promenade, lawn and stairs 
  • More seating opportunities through planter walls, amphitheatre seating, and integrated bench seating, and flexible and movable seating options
  • Improved views and safety through strategically placed planters, while maintaining the feeling of an intimate square
  • Tree plantings along three sides of the square to provide shade and comfort 
  • A distinctive water feature  is a hinge point that ties Lakeshore Road with Towne Square
  • Enlarged central lawn area to accommodate a variety of different programs and uses 
  • New paving, furnishings, light standards, and tree planters to complement the Lakeshore Road streetscape redevelopment