Sixteen Mile Creek Heritage Trail Slope Remediation

Fourth Line and Dundas St. West
Project area: 1.0 hectares (2.47 acres)
Classification: Heritage Trail
Ward 4

About this project

Located just south of Dundas Road and east of Fourth Line, the Town of Oakville maintains Sixteen Mile Creek Heritage Trail which is an asphalt multi-use recreational trail built into the west embankment of Sixteen Mile Creek valley. This slope has experienced multiple historical and recent slope failures occurring within the upper portion of the slope between the trail and Fourth Line. 

The trail is closed since the effects of natural erosion have caused safety and maintenance issues including rock and shale fragments migrating on to the pathway and trees and vegetation falling over and blocking the pathway. 

The purpose of this project is to implement an engineered design solution to stabilize the slope embankment and re-instate the Heritage Trail.

Project requirements

The general scope of the consulting work will include completing preliminary design(s), detailed design, preparation of tender documents and provide contract/construction administration services.  Some tasks that will be required to complete the detailed design include:

  • A tree inventory and assessment including restoration and re-planting plans.
  • Targeted field work to document the existing conditions of the natural environment.
  • Ecological land classification (ELC) within the study area including a vegetation survey.
  • Targeted surveys for potential Species at Risk and Species at Risk habitat.
  • Significant wildlife habitat criteria assessment screening.
  • Environmental permitting and approvals (Conservation Authorities Act and Endangered Species Act).

Project status

A geotechnical investigation and slope stability assessment, including conceptual remediation options, have been completed. The report discusses options for retaining wall systems, retained soil systems, and re-grading alternatives. The town evaluated the remediation options, and a preferred option has been selected for implementation.

Environmental fieldwork and a tree inventory are currently underway with detailed design and tendering being completed in early 2025.

Construction is expected to begin in 2025 following Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry and Conservation Halton regulations (the work may only occur outside critical nesting and breeding windows).


WSP has been retained to provide consulting services for this project.

Related documents

Sixteen Mile Creek Heritage Trail Slope Remediation map (pdf)