About this project
Coronation Park is located on the shores of Lake Ontario, and one of Oakville’s premier destination parks, serving the Oakville community, and attracts visitors from across Halton Region and the Greater Toronto Area.
The current park features a public washroom facility, concession stand, splash pad, bandshell, outdoor volleyball courts, multiple picnic areas, and parking areas making it an ideal park that hosts numerous special events every year.
The children’s playground features two distinct areas:
- A smaller ‘junior’ playground area, designed for children aged 2-5 years, is about 350 square metres on the west side of the walkway. This junior play area is approximately 25 years in age and is due for replacement
- A larger ‘senior’ area, designed for children aged 5-12 years, is about 900 square metres on the east side of the walkway and immediately north of the washroom/concession building, and nearby splash pad. The senior play area is approximately 21 years in age and is also due for replacement
The playground renewal will be constructed in two phases. The first phase involves site works to prepare the site for the installation of the rubberized surfacing and the play equipment. This includes demolition, removals, grading the walkways, playground and surrounding area, installing granular/drainage base material, installing flush curbing, and pouring concrete walkways. The second phase is when the rubberized surfacing will be poured and play equipment will be installed.
Project schedule
- January 2025 – Award project to playground supplier and refine playground design based on public input
- February 2025 – Present preferred playground design to the public for final comment
- March/April 2025: Site works in preparation for playground equipment and surfacing
- May/June 2025 – installation of playground equipment and surfacing
Public engagement opportunity
Photos: Existing playground
Current junior playground area

Current senior playground area

Current senior playground area, alternate angle

No site works contractors have been retained for the project at this time.