Location: 45 West River Street
Size: 1.04 hectares (2.56 acres)
Classification: Neighbourhood Park

About this project

Bronte Beach is located at 45 West River Street, and within Bronte Inner Harbour. The site is adjacent to Bronte Creek and is directly connected to Lake Ontario. Bronte Beach Park is the only sand shoreline along the Oakville boundary. 

In 2018 a master plan of the proposed park site was introduced to the public as part of the Bronte Harbour boat launch ramp redevelopment. The master plan for the park addressed several issues including but not limited to additional pathways, junior and senior play structure, shelter, Bronte Beach sand renourishment/retention, lighting and landscaping.

The town is moving forward with implementation of phase two that includes improved trail connectivity, junior and senior play structure, shade structure, seating, lighting, beach renourishment and landscaping.

Project status

The project is anticipated to be tendered in February 2025, with park construction to commence in spring 2025.

Park drawings

April 10, 2024, Master Plan Drawings 


Design work for the park development is being completed by The MBTW Group.

Design work for the Bronte Beach replenishment is being completed by Shoreplan Engineering.

The construction contract has yet to be released.