About this project
The shoreline at Berta Point on Bronte Creek is in poor condition and we are considering alternatives for improvements.
The purpose of this project is to provide shore stability, overall enhancement of the environmental conditions, and improved public access to the shoreline. We are considering ways and means of achieving this goal and has initiated a Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (EA).
A key component of the study involves consultation with interested stakeholders, the public and regulatory agencies. You are encouraged to provide your comments so that they may be incorporated into the plan and design of this project.
Project timeline
- Site investigations and site visit to review and assess existing conditions (complete)
- Identify site requirements (complete)
- Identify data gaps (complete)
- Develop alternative design solutions (complete)
- First public information session (May 2021 - complete)
- Selection of preferred option (complete)
- Detailed design (complete)
- Second public information session (December 2021 - complete)
- Permitting and agency review (complete)
- Project to tender
- Construction (fall 2024)
Next steps
- Oakville Council
- Anticipated construction fall 2024
Existing site conditions
Berta Point West Bank located on Bronte Creek within Bronte Inner Harbour:
- Bronte Inner Harbour shorelines protected by concrete block and steel sheet pile walls.
- West bank (study site) has 75 metres of steep bank with substandard protection of mixed concrete rubble and stone below the average water line.
- Upper bank consists of bedrock and overburden (soil and rubble over other soils).
- Lakeshore Road Bridge to north is protected with gabion baskets and rock protection.
- Berta Point to east is protected with stacked concrete block walls capped with interlocking walkway along shoreline.
- High water levels in 2017 and 2019 eroded upper slopes of bank above water line.
Recreational facilities
- Waterfront trail runs under Lakeshore Road Bridge into upper park.
- Bronte Harbour Yacht Club members tie off along a shore-parallel floating dock at the west bank.
- Access stairs lead down the bank to a gangway and seasonal docking.
- No walkway connection along Berta Point to the floating dock or trail under the bridge.
Notice of study completion
- Berta Point Seawall Final Environmental Study Report (pdf)
- Detailed Design (complete)
- Agency Submission
- Fisheries and Oceans Canada
- Ministry of Natural Resources
- Ministry of Environment Conservation and Parks
- Conservation Halton
Completed assessments
- Coastal Assessment
- Water levels
- Flow/wave conditions
- Geotechnical Investigation (pdf)
- Tree Inventory (pdf)
- Fish and aquatic habitat assessment
- Species at risk identified: Silver Shiner (threatened) with critical habitat in Bronte Creek.
Related documents
- Berta Point - Appendix B (pdf)
- Parks Directory
- Destination Parks
- Splash Pads
- Sports Fields
- Dog Parks
- Gardens
- Outdoor Courts
- Outdoor Ice Rinks
- Skateboard Parks
- Park Planning Projects
- Berta Point West Bank Seawall Improvements
- Bridges, Stairs and Boardwalk replacements
- Bronte Beach Redevelopment
- Coronation Park Playground Renewal
- Crosstown Trail
- McDuffe Park
- Oakville Harbour - West Shore Landscape Master Plan Implementation
- Palermo Park
- Shevchenko Parkette
- Sixteen Mile Creek Heritage Trail Slope Remediation
- Sixteen Mile Sports Complex
- Tennis and Pickleball Court Renewal
- Towne Square
- Trail Accessibility Audit & Strategy
- Wallace Park
Rakesh Mistry, OALA, CSLA
Town of Oakville, 1225 Trafalgar Road, Oakville,
Ontario L6H 0H3
905-845-6601 ext. 3664
Jane Graham, P. Eng.
Shoreplan Engineering Limited
20 Holly Street, Suite 202, Toronto
Ontario M4S 3B1
416-487-4756 ext. 223