
We have four community gardens for residents who wish to rent gardening plots. There is currently a waitlist for garden plot rentals.

Designated gardening spaces

Our community gardens are designated spaces for residents who have rented plots to use for gardening. 

Please respect their gardening projects and do not enter community garden plots unless you have a current rental agreement with us.


Garden plots are open between May 1 and October 31 for non-commercial use only.

Community garden map

Requesting a garden plot

Due to the high demand, the community garden plots are available to Oakville residents only. All locations are currently full.

To place your name on a waitlist for one of the gardens, register for a garden plot online. All allocations are currently full at this time.

Availability and pricing

There are no available garden plots at this time. Current wait times are estimated at five or more years from the date of submission.

2025 Garden Plot Rental Fee: $108 (tax inclusive)


Tenants are responsible for maintaining their garden plots throughout the season, including watering, pruning, harvesting, fertilizing, and pest/disease control.

We offer the following services to tenants:

  • On-site water and disposal bins
  • Spring bed preparation (weeding, removal of loose debris) for new tenants only
  • Spring rototilling