To make sure our harbours continue to thrive for years to come we are developing a Harbours Master Plan focusing on four key objectives:
- Providing recommendations on improved public access, better connections to surrounding neighbourhoods, recreational amenities and priorities for both harbours.
- Determining the future use of the Bronte Marina Building (formally Metro Marine)
- Updating the Oakville Harbours Strategic Business Plan
- Identifying potential options for future harbour growth
Key directions
Based on research and consultation up to this point, the following draft key directions for the Harbours Master Plan have been identified:
- Connect the harbours with their urban centres
- Balance and respect for all users
- Clear public access
- Shared space for vehicle access and parking
- Beautiful amenities
- Enhance wayfinding and signage
- Protect natural features
- Identify and preserve cultural heritage landscapes
Public consultations
Public consultations for the Harbour Master Plan were held in May and November of 2016. Themes that emerged during the public consultation process include:
- Public access to the water’s edge is a must.
- The public should feel welcome at the harbours and there should be activities and attractions for non-boaters.
- The harbours need better connections with surrounding streets, parks, facilities and businesses.
- The harbours should be walkable.
- The natural beauty of the harbours should be maintained.
- There are opportunities for more active uses such as restaurants, retail and recreation.
- Sustainability policies (storm water, climate change) are important.
- There is a need for additional boating facilities and boat slips.
- Canoe clubs and non-motorized boats require improved access to the harbours.
- Investments in the harbours benefit the town as a whole.
- Parks
- Parks Directory
- Destination Parks
- Splash Pads
- Sports Fields
- Dog Parks
- Gardens
- Outdoor Courts
- Outdoor Ice Rinks
- Skateboard Parks
- Park Planning Projects
- Berta Point West Bank Seawall Improvements
- Bridges, Stairs and Boardwalk replacements
- Bronte Beach Redevelopment
- Coronation Park Playground Renewal
- Crosstown Trail
- McDuffe Park
- Oakville Harbour - West Shore Landscape Master Plan Implementation
- Palermo Park
- Shevchenko Parkette
- Sixteen Mile Creek Heritage Trail Slope Remediation
- Sixteen Mile Sports Complex
- Tennis and Pickleball Court Renewal
- Towne Square
- Trail Accessibility Audit & Strategy
- Wallace Park
- Municipal Greenhouse and Conservatory
Related documents
Public meeting - June 13, 2018
If you would like to share your comments and ideas or receive the latest updates, please contact us at