About the program
Our Memorial Tree Sponsorship Program gives you an opportunity to sponsor a tree in memory of a loved one, as a dedication to a friend or family member or to commemorate a special event. Sponsoring a tree is an impactful tribute and benefits the community by enhancing our natural community environment.
A commemorative plaque, six inches by four inches in size, is set in granite and placed at the base of your memorial tree. Placement of memorial wreaths, flowers or other items on or around the tree is not permitted.
The Sponsorship covers a five-year period with the option to renew on the anniversary. Once the plaque is installed the tree will continue to be maintained by town staff similar to other town trees.
How to order
Please visit the memorial tree map to select an available tree for sponsorship.
After choosing your tree, complete the Memorial Tree Application Form and be sure to include the tree’s I.D. number and submit:
- By email: centralops@oakville.ca
- By mail: Memorial Tree Sponsorship Program, 1225 Trafalgar Road, Oakville, ON, L6H 0H3
Five-year tree sponsorship fee: $2,772 plus tax
The sponsorship fee covers the maintenance of your tree for the duration of sponsorship, plus a personalized cast bronze plaque.
A non-refundable deposit of $282.50 is required. After your plaque is installed, the town will provide an invoice for the remaining balance.
Sponsorship renewal (every five years): $680 plus tax (fee subject to change)
The sponsorship renewal fee is charged every five years to cover the cost of regular tree care and maintenance.
If you do not wish to renew your sponsorship after five years or we are unable to contact you, the plaque will be removed and the tree will become available for adoption.
It is your responsibility to ensure town staff has your most current contact information.
Payment can be made by cheque, e-transfer or credit card.