Are you a returning applicant that is familiar with this process? Skip the instructions and start your application now
If you are a new applicant, or need a reminder about the application process, please review the information below.
Confirm that you need this application
A Plan of Subdivision divides a parcel of land into several blocks or building lots. It identifies the exact surveyed boundaries and dimensions of lots and blocks on which buildings are to be built, location and width of streets, parks, schools, etc.
The approval process is governed by the Planning Act and ensures that:
- the land is suitable for its proposed new use
- the proposal conforms to the official plan and zoning, as well as to provincial legislation and policies
A Plan of Subdivision is required if the Owner of the land wants to create new, separate parcels of land that can be legally used for the sale of lots/blocks. Before you apply for a plan of subdivision, you should discuss your proposal with the Planning and Development Department.
Understand the requirements
Before submitting a plan of subdivision application, applicants must review the Development Application Guidelines, which will guide you through the description of site and proposal, and the engineering, urban design, environmental, transportation, financial and cultural considerations.
Also review the neighbourhood information map and requirements.
Review additional information regarding digital submissions and electronic fee payments.
Pre-consultation meetings are mandatory for all development applications.
Pre-consultation process
The Town of Oakville has what’s known as a pre-consultation process, as it relates to proposed developments that require some form of Planning Act approval from the town.
When a landowner, or a perspective developer of a parcel of land, is interested in developing a parcel of land that requires approval under the Planning Act, they are first required to submit to the town a pre-consultation request form, along with a preliminary site plan of the proposed development.
At times, the proposal submitted to the town may be of confidential nature, as the applicant may be not yet be in a position to publicly disclose the details of the proposal due to business or financial reasons.
Upon receipt of this material, Planning staff hold a pre-consultation meeting with the applicant and other key commenting departments and agencies, who provide feedback to the applicant concerning the planning and technical merits of the proposal, along with a detailed list of submission requirements. The applicant is then able to submit the proposal and the Planning Act application to the town as originally contemplated; or alternatively, may modify the plan based on the feedback received, and submit a modified proposal.
A list of specific submission requirements will be prepared at the pre-consultation meeting and detailed in the pre-consultation application form (pdf).
Planning and development applications are reviewed and approved in accordance with the town’s applicable procedures and guidelines, Terms of Reference, and by-laws.
The documents required will be identified during the mandatory pre-consultation meeting with staff.
Prepare your application using the applicable documents
Application forms
- Pre-Consultation Application Form (pdf)
- Fence Variance - Proof of Notification from Abutting Neighbour Letter (pdf)
- Development Application Form (pdf)
- Rental Housing Demolition and Conversion Application (pdf)
- Rental Housing Demolition and Conversion Declaration of Use and Screening Form (pdf)
- Site Plan Application Form (pdf)
Digital submissions reference
- Planning Digital Submissions Guide (pdf)
- File Naming Conventions Reference (pdf)
- Steps for Uploading Files to Oakville BOX (pdf)
Other application forms and materials
- Site Plan - Agreement Information Sheet (pdf)
- Site Plan - Inspection and Security Reduction Standard Forms (pdf)
Development application sign template
Additional information
Online application process
Once you have attended a mandatory pre-consultation meeting, complete the Development Proposal Application Form (pdf), including all applicable sections, schedules and signatures.
Include the pre-consultation checklist which has been completed and signed by staff during your mandatory pre-consultation meeting.
The documents required will be identified during the mandatory pre-consultation meeting with staff. All reports, documents and drawings submitted must be:
- in digital (PDF) format unless otherwise required (e.g. Word, Excel, SketchUp, etc.).
- presented in metric measure that can be accurately scaled.
- prepared, stamped and signed by a qualified professional architect (for site plan and architectural drawings), engineer (for site plan and engineering drawings/reports), or Landscape Architect (for landscape and tree protection drawings/reports)
Request an Oakville Box link and a fee submission reference number from for all digital submissions.
Submit all materials by uploading files to Oakville Box (pdf), following the mandatory file naming conventions (pdf).
Payment of application fees should be sent via e-transfer/EFT (Electronic Funds Transfer) to at the same time as your submission.
Ensure you quote the fee submission reference number from step #2.
After submission
- Your Planning Application file number will be assigned once the fee is received.
- For a resubmission of an existing application where a fee is required, please use the Planning file number already assigned.
- Region and Conservation Authority fees are paid directly to the agency.
You might be interested in one of our other application types:
- Other Planning and Development applications including Official Plan Amendments, Zoning By-law Amendments, Site Plans and more
- Building applications including building permits and building inspections requests
- Consent and minor variance requests to the Zoning By-law, made before the Committee of Adjustment
- Development Engineering (DENG) permit applications for private property and the municipal right-of-way
- Heritage permits, to undertake changes to properties designated under the Ontario Heritage Act.
- Zoning applications, including Zoning Certificates of Occupancy and Holding By-law Removals