Fence Variance Application Process

Before starting a fence variance application, all applicants should understand the requirements.

Confirm that you need this application

The Fences and Privacy Screen By-law 2002-034, as amended by By-law 2011-130, regulates fences and privacy screens on private property.  

Applicants may apply to vary the By-law to permit a fence or privacy screen to be constructed that does not comply with the regulations of the By-law.

Online application process

Use the online services to submit your Fence Variance Application.  

Make sure you download and complete the Fence Variance Application Form - Proof of Notification from Abutting Neighbour Letter (pdf) including all applicable sections, submission requirements, schedules and signatures as it will be required during the application submission.

You will also be required to submit the following with your online application:

  • Cover Letter: a letter from the applicant/owner, addressed to Director of Planning and Development, outlining the specific variances to the by-law which are being sought (bulleted and/or in tabular format) and the rationale for the request.
  • Site Owner’s Authorization Letter: Written permission from the property owner is required to authorize the application and requested variances, and to permit staff and Director of Planning and Development, to enter onto the property as part of the application assessment process.
  • Site Photos: Submit colour photos depicting existing site conditions superimposed with scaled images of proposed fencing, including a description of each image.
  • Site Plan: Site Plan on ’letter’ to ‘tabloid’ paper size. Drawings must be submitted in metric, scalable and include a drawing reference number and date. The plan must clearly indicate extent of the entire property, location of buildings and key accessory features, site access points and location(s) of proposed fencing.
  • Survey of Property

Planning and development applications are reviewed and approved in accordance with the town’s applicable procedures and guidelines, Terms of Reference, and by-laws. 

The documents required will be identified during the mandatory pre-consultation meeting with staff.

Prepare your application using the applicable documents

Application forms

Digital submissions reference

Other application forms and materials

Development application sign template

Additional information

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