
Meet Midtown

Public consultation and conversation: Developing transportation, stormwater and urban design solutions

Thursday, March 27, 2025, doors open at 6 p.m.
South Atrium of Oakville Town Hall

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Midtown Official Plan Amendment adopted

Council adopted the Midtown Oakville Official Plan Amendment (OPA) (pdf) at the February 18, 2025 Planning and Development Council meeting. This decision marks a significant step towards making Midtown Oakville a vibrant and liveable area for the long-term.  

The OPA updates land use policies for Midtown Oakville and enables the use of a community planning permit system in the Livable Oakville Plan (Official Plan). 

For more information, read the news release and staff report on the recommended Midtown OPA and notice of adoption.

Next steps

Following Council’s decision at the February 18, 2025 meeting, the OPA will be sent to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing for their final review and approval. While the OPA is with the Ministry, the town will continue public consultation regarding Midtown policy implementation tools, including the development of a Community Planning Permit By-law.


If members of the public have questions about the recommended Midtown OPA, they can email

Height threshold and density management

  • New development is subject to a height range in the adopted Midtown OPA. Increases to height may be considered in exchange for the provision of community benefits as part of the development permit approval authorized through a Community Planning Permit System (CPPS)

Community benefits

  • The new draft Midtown Oakville OPA continues to promote parks and open spaces and offers additional connectivity to the rest of Oakville through pedestrian, cycling, and transit improvements. Through new policies, the OPA also provides direction regarding the provision of community amenities, a broad mix of land use, and options for diverse and affordable housing. 

Learn more

Province of Ontario's Transit-Oriented Communities

On December 19, 2024, the Town of Oakville submitted a response letter to Infrastructure Ontario (pdf), which includes a technical review of the proposal and consolidated comments from those circulated for review including Town departments, public agencies and peer reviewers.

On November 13, 2024 the province, through Infrastructure Ontario (IO) submitted its Transit Oriented Communities (TOC) Development Proposal Submission (TOC Submission) to the Town of Oakville for the proposed Oakville TOC comprising of the sites known as: 

  • 217-227 Cross Avenue and 571-595 Argus Road; 
  • 157 and 165 Cross Avenue; 
  • 166 South Service Road; and 
  • 590 Argus Road.

The four TOC sites are also the subject of development applications which have been appealed to the Ontario Land Tribunal (OLT). The applicants have requested an adjournment of the hearing, which the town has consented to. 

Municipal and regional staff as well as other agencies will review the TOC Submission contents and provide comments in writing.   

In parallel with the Town of Oakville’s review, the province has advised the town that it will move forward with its public engagement process.  

For more Oakville TOC information  

 Infrastructure Ontario leads the TOC work and is responsible for all communication and public engagement. Infrastructure Ontario has updated its web pages with details on the development proposals and the province’s process.

Visit the Government of Ontario's Oakville Transit-Oriented Community website for more information, including upcoming public engagement dates, proposal highlights and more.

Additional TOC web pages:

Midtown OPA process is separate and distinct from the TOC 

While the TOC process is underway, the town must continue to move forward with its OPA for Midtown to ensure policies and guidelines are in place for land use and development for the entire Midtown area. 

Learn more about the Town of Oakville’s Midtown OPA process and public engagement opportunities in the information noted above in our Public Engagement tab.

TOC background information

  • June 2024 — the Province of Ontario announced that Midtown Oakville was identified as a potential candidate for its Transit Oriented Communities (TOC) Program. The TOC program is aimed at developing mixed-use communities near transit stations. This would make Midtown Oakville one of the first GO Transit stations outside of Toronto in the program. The TOC program is separate and distinct from the Midtown OPA process. 
  • July 8, 2024 — at the Planning and Development Council meeting, Council received a Midtown Transit Oriented Communities Update staff report that provided information about this program and anticipated next steps. 
  • The province, through Infrastructure Ontario, leads the work to define the basic parameters for TOC proposals. They define which sites or areas of Midtown are in or out of scope. The province is responsible for all negotiations with third party building/private sector partners and may approve any development proposal. 

For more information

About Midtown

Midtown is an underdeveloped 103-hectare area in Oakville centrally located around the Oakville GO Station. Plans are underway to make this area a liveable, connected, and mixed-use urban community that better serves the entire town. 

With Oakville’s population expected to substantially increase by 2051 there is a need for the town to create more liveable spaces for people of all ages and income levels and purposefully plan how our municipality grows. The Province of Ontario requires that the town create more livable spaces for people over the next 30 years. 

Midtown Oakville has the potential to offer more options for diverse and affordable housing, better connectivity to the rest of Oakville through pedestrian, cycling, and transit improvements, additional parks and open spaces, more community amenities and the enhanced servicing infrastructure that is needed to support growth.

Through 2024 and 2025, the Midtown Oakville implementation program will be completing the Midtown Official Plan Amendment, a range of implementation studies covering community building topics, and working alongside the community at every phase. 

The redevelopment itself has a long timeline – we’ll start to see some expansion by 2031 and continue through 2051 and beyond.

The purpose of the adopted Official Plan Amendment (OPA) is to update the land use policies for Midtown Oakville in the Livable Oakville Plan, to create a framework that will guide the creation of a transit-supportive and complete community for people to live, work and play, and to enable the use of a Community Planning Permit System in Midtown Oakville.

For information that has led to the development of the Official Plan Amendment (OPA 70) please see the Learn More “Past meetings and information” tab above.

For more information regarding the Community Planning Permit System, please visit our Community Planning Permit System page.

For information regarding development applications in process within this area, please visit our Active Development Applications page.

For more information regarding the implementation program for Midtown see the tabs below.

The Midtown Transportation Plan will address a vision of an equitable, accessible, and connected transportation system that supports a vibrant, people-oriented, and transit-supportive complete community in all seasons.

For more information, review the public notices:

The Midtown Stormwater Plan will recommend a sustainable and resilient plan for stormwater quantity and quality management.

For more information, review the public notices:

The Midtown Implementation program will also include a range of planning and engineering studies that include water and wastewater servicing, school, public realm, community energy and more.


If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact us by email.