Tree Protection and Removal

Policies and procedures to protect and enhance our tree canopy.

Construction near trees

The updated Tree Protection and Tree Canopy Preservation Policy was approved at the Council meeting of February 25, 2019. The town has adopted several policies and procedures to protect as well as enhance the tree canopy in the town. 

If you're planning a construction project you should review the Tree Protection and Canopy Preservation Policy and Town Tree Protection During Construction Procedure, which outline what you need to know about construction near existing trees, how to apply for permits, and more. 

You may need to complete one or more of the following:

Municipal tree protection

All street trees located on municipal property are protected and regulated by established municipal by-laws, including the Town Tree Protection By-law, and applicable amendments:

  • Regulations are in place to manage the planting, care, maintenance and removal of trees on town property.
  • Site alterations within the town are subject to a mandatory review of existing trees.
  • Parks within the town are subject to a by-law which protects the health of our canopy.
  • Rules and regulations regarding trees, the municipal right of way, and town boulevards.
  • Decorative tree lighting specifications (pdf)

The town's Urban Forestry section is responsible for the maintenance of these trees. We encourage you to use your property survey or contact the town to determine your property line before beginning any tree planting or landscaping. 

Removal of crab apple trees on municipal road allowance

Removal of crab apple trees on municipal road allowance Residents may request the removal of the town-owned crab apple street tree in front their property if it appears in decline or infested with apple scab. 

Permits are granted with the condition that the applicant cover the cost of the tree and stump removal and replacement. Cost for the permit is $175. The cost of removal and replacement is based on the tree size and condition.

Once approved, removal and stumping may take four weeks. Replacement would take place in the fall for trees removed and stumped in the spring; and in the following spring for trees removed and stumped in other seasons. 

Please send a request for inspection to