All property owners have to to pay taxes to the town.
Taxes cover the costs of town, regional and educational services. Property owners must pay tax even if they don't use all the services provided.
The town generally issues two tax bills each year. However, if your property is newly constructed or physical changes have been made to your property, you may receive additional omitted and supplementary bills that can be retroactive for the current year and the past two years.
Information on your tax bill
Bills issued by the town contain the following information:
- The name(s) of the property owner (if there are multiple owners, only the first two will appear)
- Assessed value and tax class assigned by the Municipal Property Assessment Corporation (MPAC)
- Account number, roll number and legal description of the property
- Breakdown of the tax bill payable to the town, region and school boards
- Account balance at the time the tax bill is produced (except on omitted and supplementary bills)
- Amount of each tax installment and the date on which each is payable
- Contact information for the Oakville Tax Office
Interim tax bills
The interim tax bill, issued annually at the end of January, is for the first half of the year’s taxes.
The amount is based on each property’s taxes for the previous tax year, because the town is not able to pass the annual tax rate until later in the current year.
Interim rates are calculated by multiplying the following figures and then dividing the product by two:
- the assessment value of the property for the year
- an interim tax rate that restates the previous year’s budget requirements (town, region and school boards)
- Interim bills have two installment dates and show any outstanding or credit account balance at the time of billing.
- They are payable on or about February 25 and April 25 annually.
Visit the Tax Rates page to review current rates.
Final tax bills
The final tax bill, issued annually at the end of May, is for the second half of the year and is based on the annual tax rate approved by the town for that year.
The bill is calculated by multiplying the following figures and dividing the product by two:
- the assessment value assigned to your property for the year.
- the new tax rate determined by the year’s budget requirements (town, region and school boards - minus the interim taxes that were billed for the first half of the year).
- Final bills have two installment dates and show any outstanding or credit account balance at the time of billing.
- They are payable on or about June 25 and September 25 annually.
Visit the Tax Rates page to review current rates.
Supplementary and omitted bills
Supplementary and omitted bills are issued to owners of newly created properties or properties that have made physical alterations that were not reflected on the interim and final bills.
These bills may be issued at various dates throughout the year.
- Supplementary bills generally refer to the current tax year.
- Omitted bills generally refer to previous years.
You may receive three to four bills at different times throughout the year, depending on when the Municipal Property Assessment Corporation (MPAC) provides assessment information to the town.
Supplementary and omitted tax bills have one installment date that is shown on the bill, and do not reflect any previous account balance at the time of billing.
Apportionment is the process of redistributing assessment values and taxes when land is severed (split into multiple parts) or consolidated (two or more properties being combined).
MPAC is responsible for assessing the value of the newly created property.
The town is responsible for determining the taxes of the apportioned property according to MPAC's assessment.
Paying tax bills
Please visit the Property Tax Due Date and Payment page for information on how and when to pay your tax bills.
- Garbage & Recycling
- Environment
- Adapting to Climate Change
- Community Climate Action
- Environmental Projects & Studies
- East Morrison Creek Erosion Mitigation Study
- Fourteen Mile and McCraney Creek Flood Mitigation Opportunities Study
- Joshuas Creek Flood Mitigation Study
- Lower Morrison and Lower Wedgewood Creek Flood Mitigation Study
- Saville Area Stormwater System Improvement Study
- Shorewood Promenade Shoreline Rehabilitation
- South Shell Park Shoreline Rehabilitation
- Health Protection & Air Quality
- Light Pollution Guidelines