Pet owner responsibilities
Pet owners in Oakville must follow the rules set out in the town's Animal Control By-law.
The town's Animal Control Bylaw covers a wide variety of animal-related by law concerns, including but not limited to leash requirements, dog licensing requirements, standards of care, and biting dogs in the Town of Oakville.
Dog ownership
You must purchase a dog licence within seven days of becoming a dog owner or seven days from the date that you move to Oakville if you already own a dog.
The Oakville identification tag must be attached to the dog at all times.
Purchase a licence
- the Oakville & Milton Humane Society
- participating vendors listed on the Oakville & Milton Humane Society website
- the ServiceOakville counter at Town Hall, 1225 Trafalgar Road, Oakville
Licences are valid for one year from the date of purchase and must be renewed annually before expiration. Failure to purchase and renew your licence could result in a fine.
Proof of spay/neuter must be provided on first application.
Visit the Oakville & Milton Humane Society website for more information about dog licences and licensing fees.
In Oakville, dogs are not permitted to be at large, meaning your dog is not allowed to be straying or roaming off-leash unless on your property or at a designated off-leash dog park.
Leash-free dog parks are fully fenced areas where you are allowed to have up to two dogs off-leash at a time.
An off-leash dog is a ticketable offence under the Parks By-law and Animal Control By-law. Violators can be fined a minimum of $300 and maximum of up to $100,000 for each offence.
Report off-leash dogs
To report a violation, please contact the Oakville & Milton Humane Society at 905-845-1551.
As an owners or dog walker, you must pick up your dog's waste and dispose of it in appropriate garbage bins at home or in public.
You must maintain control of your dog at all times. Other dogs and people may not appreciate your dog approaching them.
Any dog that bites or attacks a person or domestic animal may be declared a biting or potentially dangerous dog.
Report concerns
To report a violation, please contact the Oakville & Milton Humane Society at 905-845-1551.
Dogs that disturb an individual’s peace and quiet by persistently barking or howling are in violation of the Town of Oakville Noise By-law.
Report noise violations
Complaints under the Noise By-law may be made to ServiceOakville at 905-845-6601.
If you are reporting a noise disturbance, it is advisable that you keep a sound log to document the duration and frequency of the issue.
Cat ownership
Cats do not require a licence, however, they must be identified by:
- a microchip, implanted by a vet, or
- a breakaway collar on which:
- the owner's name and address are permanently inscribed, or
- an Oakville & Milton Humane Society cat tag is attached.
In addition to being a requirement in the town, a cat tag and/or a microchip has benefits to you and your cats.
If a lost cat is found wearing a collar with identification, or with a microchip, it will make it easier to contact you and reconnect you with your pet.
If you let your cat outside, they must remain on your property.
Your cat(s) are not permitted to be at-large. This means they are not allowed to be straying or roaming off-leash in public areas, or on neighbouring home or business' properties.
This protects your cat from collisions with vehicles and keeps them safe from urban wildlife, including foxes, coyotes and large birds, as well as dogs and other cats.
Restricted and prohibited pets
A maximum of two restricted animals may be kept in a dwelling in Oakville. Restricted animals are:
- mice
- rabbits
- gerbils
- ferrets
- hamsters
- guinea pigs
- other rodentia which do not exceed 1500 grams and are derived from a self-sustaining captive population.
No person shall keep more than one pigeon unless:
- the person provides or maintains suitable lofts or cages, and;
- the person is a member in good standing of a recognized pigeon club which has, as its sole purpose, the racing or showing of pigeons.
In the Town of Oakville, it is illegal to own and keep a prohibited animal.
See Schedule A of the Animal Control By-law for a list of animals that are prohibited in the town.
Animal control services
Animal control services, including the enforcement of the animal control by-law, are provided by the Oakville & Milton Humane Society.
Animal control services include:
- Animal Control By-law enforcement and investigations.
- Enforcement of the Dog Owners Liability Act.
- Rescue of sick, injured and orphaned wildlife.
- Capture of stray dogs and confined stray cats.
- Rescue of injured domestic animals where the owner cannot be found.
- Pickup of deceased animals on town property and regional roadways.
- Garbage & Recycling
- Environment
- Adapting to Climate Change
- Community Climate Action
- Environmental Projects & Studies
- East Morrison Creek Erosion Mitigation Study
- Fourteen Mile and McCraney Creek Flood Mitigation Opportunities Study
- Joshuas Creek Flood Mitigation Study
- Lower Morrison and Lower Wedgewood Creek Flood Mitigation Study
- Saville Area Stormwater System Improvement Study
- Shorewood Promenade Shoreline Rehabilitation
- South Shell Park Shoreline Rehabilitation
- Health Protection & Air Quality
- Light Pollution Guidelines