Santa to launch holiday season
Check back in November to find out when Santa Claus is landing his sleigh in Oakville for the 2025 parade!
Parade route and road closures map

Getting to the parade
Free Santa Shuttle from Oakville GO
Avoid parking hassles and take the free Oakville Transit shuttle from the Oakville GO station to the parade. The Santa Shuttle runs every 5 to 10 minutes from 8 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. along Dorval Drive to Trafalgar Park Community Centre with no stops in between.
In order to welcome the parade along its route through Downtown Oakville and Kerr Village, the following roads will be closed from 6 a.m. to 12 p.m.
- Deane Avenue from Maurice Drive to Kerr Street
- Felan Avenue from Stewart Street to Rebecca Street
- Kerr Street from Lakeshore Road to Stewart Street
- Lakeshore Road from Allan Street to Brant Street
- Rebecca Street from Dorval Drive to Forsythe Street
- Robinson Street from Navy Street to Allan Street
- Stewart Street from Kerr Street to Maurice Drive
Temporary “No Parking Special Event” signs and parking restrictions will be installed on the streets listed above, and along the residential side streets listed below during the week of November 11 to 15 in preparation for the parade.
- Deane Avenue
- Brookfield Road
- Burnet Road
- Maurice Drive
- John Street
- Queen Mary Drive
- Felan Avenue
- Hawthorne Road
- Herald Avenue
- Inglewood Drive
- Stewart Street
- Westside Drive
- Elmwood Road
- Bartos Drive
These signs will be in effect to prohibit vehicle parking on affected streets during the parade on November 16. Any vehicles found on the street during this time may receive a ticket or be towed. Courtesy, paid, overnight parking lot, and on street parking permits will not be permitted for use on these streets between 11 p.m. Friday, November 15 to 12 p.m. (noon) on Saturday, November 16.
To ensure safe travel through Oakville during the road closures listed above, the following roads be marked as a detour route:
- Chartwell Road
- Cornwall Road
- Speers Road
- Dorval Drive
- Fourth Line
Preparing to attend the parade
What to wear
Remember that the parade happens rain or shine! Remember to dress appropriately for the weather forecast.
What to bring
Bring your family, friends and holiday cheer!
Donations of non-perishable food items for Oakville food banks, new toys or gift cards will also be very much appreciated!

Parade safety
Expect a big turnout at the parade! With big crowds comes the possibility that you and your child may get separated.
In case you and your child are separated during the parade, the Halton Regional Police Service recommends that parents and caregivers take a photo of their child or children on the day of the event. That way if you do get separated, you’ll easily be able to remember what they are wearing to help find them.