Neyagawa Urban Core Review

New land use policies are being prepared to guide development-related decisions in the Neyagawa Urban Core.

The Neyagawa Urban Core is a strategic growth area at the intersection of Neyagawa Boulevard and Burnhamthorpe Road West. 

New land use policies are being prepared to guide development-related decisions in this area and support a future 407 Transitway station. Visit the 407 Transitway station to learn more.

A report presented to Planning and Development Council on October 4, 2021, introduced the study and provided background information and staff’s initial analysis.

The intent is to enable the creation of a transit-supportive, mixed use, community that provides a range of housing choice and a diverse local job base. 

The study area covers approximately 75 hectares around the intersection of Neyagawa Boulevard and Burnhamthorpe Road West, immediately south of Highway 407. It includes an existing neighbourhood and King’s Christian Collegiate, as well properties that are expected to redevelop over the next several years. 

The Neyagawa Urban Core Review will outline a boundary and determine appropriate mix of land uses for this strategic growth area. The resulting official plan amendment (OPA) to the North Oakville East Secondary Plan will also address density, scale and built form in the context of the town’s urban structure and the climate emergency.

A Statutory Public Meeting took place at the Planning and Development Council Meeting on November 25, 2024, which included updated Draft OPA 326 and OPA 45. 

The recommended OPA 326 and OPA 45 (pdf) have been prepared in advance of Planning and Development Council on March 3, 2025.

A Public Information Meeting was held on February 17, 2022 to provide background information and provide an opportunity for the community to ask questions and provide input to the study.

A Statutory Public Meeting was held on May 16, 2022, for two town-initiated proposed official plan amendments for the Neyagawa Urban Core (NUC) based on the results of the NUC Review.

The purpose of the two proposed OPAs was to identify, and establish policies for, the Neyagawa Urban Core strategic growth area at the intersection of Neyagawa Boulevard and Burnhamthorpe Road West. 

The effect of the proposed OPA 326 to the 1984 Oakville Official Plan’s North Oakville East Secondary Plan was to:

  • update schedules (maps) to identify the Neyagawa Urban Core strategic growth area and designate the lands as “Neyagawa Urban Core Area”
  • provide area-specific land use policies to support the creation of a transit-supportive, complete community that includes a mix of high-density residential, commercial and institutional uses with a 12-storey maximum building height
  • provide area-specific functional and implementation policies to enable and guide redevelopment consistent with the above, which address matters including urban design, transportation, stormwater management, district energy, and parkland dedication

The effect of the proposed OPA 45 to the Livable Oakville Official Plan was to identify the Neyagawa Urban Core Area as “Nodes and Corridors” on Schedule A1 – Urban Structure (pdf), which is referenced in the North Oakville East Secondary Plan.

Growth management

As part of the town’s ongoing Official Plan Review, we are planning how the town will manage growth – new residents and jobs – from now until the year 2051. 

Our urban structure directs growth to areas that are intended to become higher density, transit-supportive, mixed use communities over the long term.

Making submissions and preserving appeal rights

For information on making submissions and appeal rights please visit the Making Submissions and Preserving Appeal Rights page.


Catherine Buckerfield
Senior Planner, Planning & Development
905-845-6601, ext. 2084