Downtown Cultural Hub

Exploring opportunities to create a downtown cultural and performing arts space.

About this project

The Downtown Cultural Hub (DCH) is an initiative that explores opportunities to update and improve downtown cultural and performing arts spaces that contributes to the vibrancy of our cultural spaces and local economy. The spaces include:

In September 2022, Council directed staff to begin capital planning in 2023 for DCH, which is helping move the town closer to achieving the vision and objectives outlined in the Downtown Plan.

Latest updates

May 14, 2024

  • The Town of Oakville and Oakville Public Library (OPL) will begin exploring amenities, programs and services for the new central library branch in downtown Oakville in June. Details on how to participate, will be shared in the coming weeks. For more information, visit the OPL's New Central Branch page. 


Comprehensive architectural design phase of the library's new central branch is anticipated to take about a year and will include downtown parking needs and public consultation at key milestones.

Centre for the performing arts

  • Design feasibility study will begin to identify the needs of the performing arts centre and where improvements can be made at the current site. 
  • Downtown parking needs analysis will be completed with a forecast into parking needs for the future. 

Public spaces

  • Conceptual plans for the Centennial Square redevelopment, Navy Street Plaza and Riverfront Park. 
  • Downtown parking needs and property assessment.


If you have questions, concerns or feedback, please contact:

Service Oakville