We want to help you be prepared to submit your applications online. There are many types of planning applications that you can submit, so we want to make sure you understand the options.
Before getting started
Before continuing to the steps below, please review the Planning and Development Applications by Activity page to get some information about some of the unique requirements that may be needed for your application.
Once you are clear about the type of application you are submitting, the following steps will help you complete your submission:
Pre-consultation meetings are required for all development applications and site plan applications and are held with staff from town departments and agencies.
- A mandatory pre-consultation meeting with town departments and agency staff is required before submitting a complete application package.
- Appointment times for pre-consultation meeting dates are allocated on a regular schedule. (Note: a pre-consultation meeting will not be scheduled if materials/fees are missing)
- A non-refundable pre-consultation fee is payable at the time of appointment request.
Complete the pre-consultation application form (pdf) and send it, including all supporting materials, and e-transfer/EFT for the fee to planningapps@oakville.ca.
Supporting materials include:
- Completed pre-consultation request form signed by the owner/agent
- Cover letter explaining the proposal
- A concept/sketch plan that shows the proposal, including a context plan (i.e. lotting plan, road location, building(s) location),
- Drawings should include:
- site dimensions in metric
- property lines
- existing vegetated areas to be preserved, water courses and other natural features
- pedestrian circulation routes / areas, including amenity areas (not required for an OPA)
- vehicular circulation routes / areas, including service and loading areas, include existing and proposed access points and parking areas (not required for an OPA)
- existing and proposed buildings, elevations, roof plan, including entrance and window locations (elevations, roof plans not required for an OPA)
- proposed landscape areas, including buffers and public streetscape (not required for an OPA)
- abutting land uses and significant views
- preliminary grading and servicing (preliminary grading not required for an OPA)
- other information as appropriate
- Topographic survey
- Current air photo with the property indicated
- Environmental Site Screening Questionnaire (ESSQ)
For Lands north of Dundas Street indicate all that apply to the subject lands:
- Entirely within Environmental Implementation Report
- Partially within EIR Subcatchment Area Boundary
- Stormwater management pond indicated
- High Constraint Stream Corridor(s) indicated
- Medium Constraint Stream Corridor(s) indicated
- Low Constraint Stream Corridor(s) indicated
Once the form, all supporting materials and fee have been submitted you will receive an email from planningapps@oakville.ca notifying you when you will be scheduled into the next available agenda. The agenda is emailed approximately two weeks before the meeting.
Pre-consultation meetings are held virtually on Wednesday afternoons.
Digital submissions for an application
- Request an Oakville Box link and a fee submission reference number from planningapps@oakville.ca for all digital submissions (pdf).
- Please review important additional information regarding digital submissions and electronic fee payments.
- To request a link to upload your submission, please email planningapps@oakville.ca. Remember to follow the mandatory file naming conventions (pdf).
Application fees
Application fees should be sent via e-transfer/EFT (Electronic Funds Transfer) to planningapps@oakville.ca at the same time as your submission. Please review the Electronic Payment Information page for additional information on making payments. The full schedule of planning and development rates and fees is available on the Rates and Fees page.
Planning and development applications are reviewed and approved in accordance with the town’s applicable procedures and guidelines, Terms of Reference, and by-laws. Prepare your application using the applicable documents.
Application forms
- Pre-Consultation Application Form (pdf)
- Fence Variance - Proof of Notification from Abutting Neighbour Letter (pdf)
- Development Application Form (pdf)
- Rental Housing Demolition and Conversion Application (pdf)
- Rental Housing Demolition and Conversion Declaration of Use and Screening Form (pdf)
- Site Plan Application Form (pdf)
Digital submissions reference
- File Naming Conventions Reference (pdf)
- To request a a link to upload your submission, please email planningapps@oakville.ca.
Other application forms and materials
- Site Plan - Agreement Information Sheet (pdf)
- Site Plan - Inspection and Security Reduction Standard Forms (pdf)
Development application sign template
Additional information
- Development Application Guidelines
- Site Plan By-law 2022-023
- Site Plan - Inspection and Security Reduction Procedure (pdf)
- Corporate Financial Planning Policy (pdf)
- Driveway Entrance Criteria By-law (pdf)
- Letter of Credit Form (pdf)
- Solicitor's Certificate Template (pdf)
- Development Related Securities and Deposits
Ensure you have read and understand the requirements of Steps One and Two. Once you are ready, you can submit your application by:
- For Part Lot Control Exemption, Fence Variance and Holding By-Law Removal, submit your application to through the town’s online services.
- For a Pre-Consultation meeting, submit your application to planningapps@oakville.ca. Please review the Electronic Payment Information to ensure your payment is submitted and processed correctly.
- For Development and Site Plan applications submit your application to planningapps@oakville.ca. Please review the Electronic Payment Information to ensure your payment is submitted and processed correctly.
Help us process your application faster by following the document submission standards.
Quick tips
- Use the naming conventions when submitting your documents
- Save files in Vector PDF format, unlocked, greyscale and flattened into a single layer free of comments
- Make sure drawings, schedules and general review forms are signed and dated by the appropriate designers. Have drawings are ready for review and free of markings such as “not for construction”, “for reference only” or “preliminary”.
- Organize drawings and documents as separate files. Each document file can contain multiple pages like site plan drawings.
- Orient drawings in landscape. Orient forms and documents in portrait.
- Submit searchable PDF files for calculations, reports and other supporting documents (non-drawing files), when possible.
- If including scanned documents, resolution of 1-bit black-and-white 300 dpi is usually acceptable. For plans and drawings with fine lines and detail, 600 dpi resolution is required. Full-colour renderings and photos may be submitted, but only as supplements to a sufficient set of plans. Grayscale is preferred.
In the event you are requested to resubmit materials, please provide the documents requested only. Please do not resubmit the entire application package at this time, unless otherwise requested to do so.
What to expect after submission
Your application will be pre-screened to ensure all required information has been provided. If the criteria has been met, the application will be accepted. If information is insufficient or missing, you will be notified of the missing requirements to be provided. To avoid delays, ensure all documentation meets the requirements and reapply as soon as possible.
Once we have all the required information, you will be notified by email what fees are to be paid. After payment, depending upon the complexity of the application, your application will be circulated for technical review.
- Planning Studies
- Active Development Applications
- Ward 1 - Development and Site Plan Applications
- Ward 2 - Development and Site Plan Applications
- Ward 3 - Development and Site Plan Applications
- Ward 4 - Development and Site Plan Applications
- Ward 5 - Development and Site Plan Applications
- Ward 6 - Development and Site Plan Applications
- Ward 7 - Development and Site Plan Applications