The Palermo Village Growth Area Review and North Oakville West Secondary Plan Review were separate studies that took place at the same time. The reviews resulted in a comprehensive Official Plan Amendment, OPA 34, which addressed both studies.
Palermo Village Growth Area
As part of the town’s ongoing Official Plan Review, we are planning how the town will manage growth – new residents and jobs – from now until the year 2051. The town’s urban structure directs growth to nodes and corridors that are intended to become higher density, transit-supportive, mixed-use communities over the long term.
The town’s urban structure identifies Palermo Village as a strategic growth area at the intersection of Dundas Street and Bronte Road.
Land use planning to enable the creation of a high-density mixed-use area in Palermo Village dates back to the early 1990’s. As a result of the Palermo Village Growth Area Review, the policies that guide development-related decision making in Palermo Village have been updated through Official Plan Amendments 34 and 37.
The Official Plan Amendments have been appealed to the Ontario Land Tribunal.
North West Area
The North Oakville Secondary Plans Review (NOSPR) was initiated in May 2017 and is part of the town’s ongoing Official Plan Review. A major component of the review is to bring the North Oakville Secondary Plans into the Livable Oakville Plan so that the town has one official plan document.
A review of the North Oakville West Secondary Plan was undertaken which includes the lands in the north west area of the town that surround Palermo Village. This review contributed to the town’s OPA 34 and 38 which were subsequently appealed to the Ontario Land Tribunal.
Official Plan Amendments (regional approval)
On March 13, 2023, Halton Region approved, with modifications, the town adopted Official Plan Amendment 34 (OPA 34) for the Palermo Village Growth Area and North West Area, excluding the Hospital District.
Halton Region also approved the town adopted Official Plan Amendment 37 (OPA 37) regarding the area-specific parking and cultural heritage policies for the expanded Palermo Village Growth Area.
Halton Region also approved the town adopted Official Plan Amendment 38 (OPA 38) regarding the portion of the North Oakville West Secondary Plan Area that was excluded from OPA 34 by deferral of Council.
- Halton Region Notice of Decision and Regional Modifications - OPA 34 (pdf)
- Halton Region Notice of Decision OPA 37 (pdf)
- Halton Region Notice of Decision OPA 38 (pdf)
The regional decisions to approve OPA 34, 37 and 38 have been appealed to the Ontario Land Tribunal.
Official Plan Amendments (town adoption)
On March 22, 2021, Council adopted Official Plan Amendment 34 (OPA 34) with modifications.
OPA 34, as originally proposed, covered the entire North Oakville West Area (excluding the Hospital District) and Palermo Village.
Council directed the deferral of portions of OPA 34 related to lands north of the proposed expansion to the Palermo Village Growth Area, as well as area-specific parking and cultural heritage policies for Palermo Village.
On April 12, 2021, Council adopted Official Plan Amendment 34 (OPA 34), as modified by Council resolution on March 22, 2021. OPA 34, as adopted, includes the policies for the expanded Palermo Village Growth Area, except for the deferred area-specific parking and cultural heritage policies.
OPA 34 also includes the policies for the North Oakville West Area (excluding the Hospital District), except for the lands north of the Palermo Village Growth Area deferred by council.
The OPA was sent to Halton Region for approval.
On July 5, 2021, Council adopted Official Plan Amendment 37 (OPA 37), which provides area-specific parking and cultural heritage policies for the expanded Palermo Village Growth Area.
The same policies were originally proposed through OPA 34 but deferred by Council resolution on March 22, 2021.
The OPA was sent to Halton Region for approval.
On July 5, 2021, Council adopted Official Plan Amendment 38 (OPA 38), which reintroduced lands north of the Palermo Village Growth Area at southwest corner of Bronte Road and Highway 407, and their associated policies, into the Livable Oakville Plan, and removed these lands from the 1984 Oakville Official Plan.
The subject lands and associated North Oakville West Area policies were originally proposed through OPA 34, but deferred by Council resolution on March 22, 2021.
Public engagement
February 2, 2021 - Council Workshop
A Special Planning and Development Council meeting was held for Council to further discuss the proposed Official Plan Amendment for the North Oakville West Area and Palermo Village.
November 23, 2020 - Statutory Public Meeting
The proposed town-initiated OPA for the Palermo Village Growth Area was discussed at Planning and Development Council on November 23, 2020. The OPA also proposed policies for the North West Area resulting from the North Oakville West Secondary Plan Review.
November 25, 2019 - Public Workshop
Participants shared feedback on a draft land use concept for Palermo Village North at a public workshop.
October 7, 2019 - Livable Oakville Subcommittee
Staff Report: Palermo Village Growth Area Review - Preliminary Report
May 29, 2018 - Public Information Sessions
Participants were engaged in the initial discussion for the Palermo Village Growth Area Review.
January 15, 2018 - Livable Oakville Subcommittee
Staff Report: Growth Area Reviews - Preliminary Directions for Midtown Oakville, the Uptown Core and Palermo Village