As part of the town’s Official Plan Review, the town is conducting a study of the Bronte GO Station and surrounding area, known as a “major transit station area” or MTSA. 

The study will develop an Area Specific Plan to create a complete, transit-supportive community that accommodates future population and employment growth and development. The study is called the Bronte GO Major Transit Station Area Study.

Understanding major transit station areas

A major transit station area is a location that combines the town-wide transportation system, allows easy access to transit and transit connections, and provides a focus for transit-supportive development. 

The Province’s Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe (2019) provides policies that local official plans must conform to when planning for MTSAs. These policies include:

  • Planning for a minimum density target of residents and jobs
  • The creation of complete, transit-supportive communities where people can live, work and play in one area, unless Provincial policy provides direction otherwise.

Reason for the study

The province’s Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe (2019), and official plan amendments brought forward as part of the town’s Urban Structure Review, identified the Bronte GO Station as a major transit station area which needs to be studied. 

The study is to provide updated and new policies to map out the boundary of the major transit station area, the mix of land uses and the intensity and scale of future development.


The provincial Growth Plan states that a MTSA is generally defined as the area within an approximate 500 to 800 metre radius of a transit station, representing about a 10-minute walk. The provincial Growth Plan also states that the boundary of the MTSA must be outlined in a transit-supportive manner that maximizes the size of the area and the number of potential transit users that are within walking distance of the station.

An MTSA boundary (pdf) was outlined in coordination with Halton Region as part of the study process. Halton Region is responsible for outlining the final boundary.

Official Plan Amendments

On November 25, 2022, Halton Region made a decision to approve, with modifications, the town initiated Official Plan Amendment 41 (OPA 41) for the Bronte GO Major Transit Station Area. The Bronte GO Major Transit Station Area is identified as a Protected Major Transit Station Area in the Regional Official Plan pursuant to Section 16 (16) of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990 as amended.

On November 1, 2021, Council passed a by-law to adopt Official Plan Amendment 41 (OPA 41) for the Bronte GO Major Transit Station Area. OPA 41 has been sent to Halton Region for final approval.


The study will result in an Area Specific Plan to guide how the Bronte GO Station and surrounding area will grow and change in the future. 

The Area Specific Plan will be supported by a number of technical studies, and will provide policy direction to inform a future official plan amendment to the Livable Oakville Plan, including:

  • delineated boundary of the MTSA;
  • mix of land uses, including building heights and density;
  • transportation, including transit and active transportation;
  • municipal infrastructure improvements including community facilities;
  • urban design and public realm improvements; and,
  • implementation tools

A final report and recommended town-initiated Official Plan Amendment was presented to Council for approval on November 1, 2021. Should Town Council adopt the Official Plan Amendment, it is then forwarded to Halton Region for final approval.

Next steps

OPA 41 has been sent to Halton Region for final approval. Halton Region may make further modifications to the OPA prior to final approval. 

Town staff continue to work with Halton Region.

November 2021 – A recommended town-initiated Official Plan Amendment (OPA) for the Bronte GO Major Transit Station Area was presented to Planning and Development Council on November 1, 2021. Council adopted the recommended OPA, which has been sent to Halton Region for final approval.

May 2021 – A draft town-initiated Official Plan Amendment was discussed at a Statutory Public Meeting hosted by Planning and Development Council on May 10, 2021. It was developed substantially in accordance with the Area Specific Plan for the Bronte GO Major Transit Station Area, which was presented to Planning and Development Council on March 8, 2021.

March 2021 – The Area Specific Plan for the Bronte GO Major Transit Station Area (MTSA) was presented at  Planning and Development Council on March 8, 2021 (Agenda Item 8) . At the meeting, council directed staff to develop a town-initiated Official Plan Amendment substantially in accordance with the Area Specific Plan for the Bronte GO Major Transit Station Area, in consideration of comments received, and to report back at a future Statutory Public Meeting of Planning and Development Council.

November 2019 - The town hosted a public workshop on November 20, 2019 at the Queen Elizabeth Park Community and Cultural Centre. The workshop was to review the study results to date and to evaluate draft land use scenarios for the Bronte GO Major Transit Station Area. The workshop included an open house with information display boards and an overview presentation about the study and draft land use scenarios. The workshop also included an interactive and facilitated session where participants worked through a series of focus questions to evaluate draft land use scenarios. The materials presented at the workshop are provided below:

October 2019 - The Bronte GO Major Transit Area Study was updated at the Livable Oakville Council Subcommittee. A staff report and presentation were received by the subcommittee.

March/April 2019 - An online survey was available for two weeks following the Public Engagement Workshop #1. The survey provided members of the public an opportunity to comment on the opportunities and challenges within the study area and provide ideas for how to improve the area when planning for the future of the Bronte GO MTSA. The survey closed April 9, 2019.

March 2019 – The Town held a public engagement workshop on March 21, 2019 at the Queen Elizabeth Park Community and Cultural Centre. The session included an open house with information display boards and an overview presentation about the study and initial findings. The session concluded with an interactive workshop where participants worked together to identify opportunities and challenges within the study area and share their ideas for how to improve the area when planning for the area. The materials presented at the workshop are provided below:

December 2018 - Project Kick-off

November 2018 - The Town of Oakville retained consulting firm Sajecki Planning Inc., in association with DTAH, Wood, LURA, R.E. Millward and Associates, and N. Barry Lyon Consultants, to undertake the Bronte GO Major Transit Station Area Study and associated technical supporting studies.

June 2018 - Study Initiation