Employment and Commercial Review

A study to ensure an appropriate supply of employment and commercial lands.

As part of the town’s Official Plan Review, the employment and commercial related land use designations and policies in the Livable Oakville Plan and the North Oakville East and West Secondary Plans are being updated to meet the town’s long-term needs, align with the approved Urban Structure (OPA 15), and implement the 2017 Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe

An appropriate supply of designated employment and commercial lands will:

  • make the town a balanced and complete community
  • maximize opportunities for residents to work in Oakville
  • maintain a healthy tax base

On April 16, 2018, Council adopted an official plan amendment (OPA 26) to update the employment, commercial and mixed use designations and policies in the Livable Oakville Plan.

The North Oakville Secondary Plans Review will propose any required updates to the employment and commercial related policies and land use designations for the area between Dundas Street and Highway 407.

More changes to the Livable Oakville Plan and North Oakville Secondary Plans may be required to conform to Halton’s Regional Official Plan at the conclusion of the ongoing Regional Official Plan Review.

Summary report

April 16, 2018 - Statutory Public Meeting # 2 and final report 

November 6, 2017 - Statutory Public Meeting # 1

October 24 and November 6, 2017 - Public Information Meetings

September 11, 2017 - Report to Subcommittee

November 1, 2016 - Report to Subcommittee

A team led by Dillon Consulting Inc. provided the background and technical analyses for the Employment and Commercial Review. Their Summary Report was presented to the Livable Oakville Council Subcommittee on November 1, 2016. It includes an assessment of the town's supply of employment and commercial lands, the forecasted long-term demand, a summary of conversion requests, and preliminary directions. This information was also presented at four open houses in November 2016.