North Oakville Secondary Plans

A plan for lands north of Dundas Street and south of Highway 407 between Ninth Line and Tremaine Road.

The North Oakville Secondary Plans Review (NOSPR) are part of the town's 2006 Official Plan

They allow for higher density urban development – to accommodate about 55,000 people and 35,000 jobs – on the lands outside of the defined natural heritage and open space system.

Well-designed neighbourhoods, efficient use of existing land and flexible transportation options will make the New Communities of Oakville north of Dundas Street more livable and sustainable.

The New Communities of Oakville will feature:

  • a variety of uses from residential to commercial to employment
  • a grid street network that offers more opportunity for public transit and walkability
  • a natural heritage and open space system of protected green spaces and parkland
  • an off-road trail system for cyclists and pedestrians
  • heritage elements
  • managed water resources

Review the New Communities of Oakville Welcome brochure (pdf).

The North Oakville East and West Secondary Plans are part of the town's 2006 Official Plan. They allow for higher density urban development – to accommodate about 55,000 people and 35,000 jobs – on the lands outside of the defined natural heritage and open space system.

As part of the town’s Official Plan Review, the North Oakville Secondary Plans Review will recommend updates to the documents.

These minutes of settlement and mediation are for reference purposes only and may be superseded by updated and approved plans and policies:

Official Plan Amendments

Approved Official Plan Amendments

Approval history of Official Plan Amendments

  • OPA 321 and OPA 322 were adopted at the June 11, 2018 Planning and Development Council. Halton Region approved with modifications OPA 321 and approved OPA 322 on September 21, 2018.
  • OPA 321 Appeal – Case No. PL18081
    • The Local Planning Appeal Tribunal (LPAT) received an appeal to OPA 321 and a case management conference was held on June 3, 2019. A site specific policy was approved by the Tribunal, as outlined in its order issued on July 2, 2019.
    • PL18081 Order (pdf)

Supporting information

July 5, 2021 - OPA 38 Public Meeting & Recommendation

On July 5, 2021, Planning and Development Council adopted Official Plan Amendment 38 (OPA 38), which reintroduced lands located at the southwest corner of Bronte Road and Highway 407, and their associated policies, into the Livable Oakville Plan, and removed these lands from the 1984 Oakville Official Plan. The subject lands and associated North Oakville West Area policies were originally proposed through OPA 34, but deferred by Council resolution on March 22, 2021.

April 12, 2021 - OPA 34 Adoption

On April 12, 2021, Council passed the by-law required to adopt Official Plan Amendment 34 (OPA 34), as modified by Council resolution on March 22, 2021. OPA 34, as adopted, includes the policies for North Oakville West area (excluding the Hospital District), except for the deferred lands north of the Palermo Village Growth Area at the southwest corner of Bronte Road and Highway 407. The OPA has been sent to Halton Region for approval.

Planning and Development Council agenda and staff report for April 12, 2021

March 22, 2021 - Recommendation  

On March 22, 2021, Council adopted Official Plan Amendment 34 (OPA 34) with modifications. OPA 34, as originally proposed, covered the entire North Oakville West Area (excluding the Hospital District) and Palermo Village. Council directed the deferral of portions of OPA 34 related to lands north of the proposed expansion to the Palermo Village growth area, as well as area-specific parking and cultural heritage policies for Palermo Village.

Council Workshop - February 2, 2021

A Special Planning and Development Council meeting was held for Council to further discuss the proposed Official Plan Amendment for the North Oakville West Area and Palermo Village.

Statutory Public Meeting – November 23, 2020

As part of Part 2 of the North Oakville Secondary Plan Review, a town-initiated Official Plan Amendment for the North Oakville West Area was discussed at Planning and Development Council on November 23, 2020. The OPA also proposed policies for an expanded Palermo Village Growth Area resulting from the Palermo Village Growth Area Review.