The town’s Housing Strategy and Action Plan was approved by Planning and Development Council , with modifications, on December 9, 2024.
Housing Strategy and Action Plan
The Housing Strategy and Action Plan is the town’s guiding document to improve the housing landscape in Oakville. The strategy is:
- Structured around six goals and objectives intended to achieve positive housing outcomes
- Includes nearly 70 actions the town can take to improve its policies, regulations, and programs, and strengthen its partnerships with upper levels of government, agency partners and the development industry in the effort to deliver the housing Oakville needs
- Provides an extension to the mission statement and guiding principles found in the town’s Official Plan, Livable Oakville
The Housing Strategy is structured on six goals and objectives that will guide decision making regarding housing and establish a path toward positive housing outcomes:
Goal 1: Support growth management and increase the housing supply
- Objective: Identify, encourage, and enable housing opportunities within the town’s urban structure, which functions as the foundation for growth management in Oakville.
Goal 2: Improve housing affordability, housing options and housing choice
- Objective: Enable a greater diversity of housing types in more places throughout the town, where appropriate, focusing on housing types, sizes and tenures that are in short supply and housing that improves affordability.
Goal 3: Streamline approvals
- Objective: Create new and enhanced processes that improve the efficiency of the development approvals process and the timely delivery of housing.
Goal 4: Make housing feasible
- Objective: Ensure the delivery of infrastructure and community service facilities are coordinated, appropriately funded and implemented in alignment with growth to enable the delivery of housing and livable complete communities.
Goal 5: Engage, raise awareness, build capacity
- Objective: Engage town staff, agency partners and the public to raise awareness and build the community capacity necessary to support the construction of a wide range of housing types that are needed throughout Oakville.
Goal 6: Collaborate
- Objective: Work with agency partners and other levels of government to achieve the goal of creating more housing, while ensuring growth is contextually appropriate, including assessing capacity based on the developable land area and density range, and is environmentally and fiscally responsible.
By implementing the nearly 70 actions identified in the Housing Strategy and Action Plan, the strategy is intended to achieve five key positive housing outcomes:
- Increased housing supply – more homes built.
- Improved affordability – more homes people can afford.
- Enhanced housing choice – more types of homes people need.
- Accelerated housing delivery – more homes faster.
- Development of livable complete communities – a place to call home with the services people need.
Community engagement opportunities
Public engagement opportunities, including open houses, an online survey, and attendance at the seniors housing symposium, were used to inform the Housing Strategy and Action Plan.
News releases
December 10, 2024: Oakville approves Housing Strategy and Action Plan
July 12, 2023: Draft Housing Strategy and Action Plan to facilitate more variety in types of housing
- Planning Studies
- Active Development Applications
- Ward 1 - Development and Site Plan Applications
- Ward 2 - Development and Site Plan Applications
- Ward 3 - Development and Site Plan Applications
- Ward 4 - Development and Site Plan Applications
- Ward 5 - Development and Site Plan Applications
- Ward 6 - Development and Site Plan Applications
- Ward 7 - Development and Site Plan Applications
Brad Sunderland MCIP, RPP
Housing Secretary
905-845-6601, ext. 3043