Community Planning Permit System

A tool in the Planning Act that enables the town to issue development permits in a streamlined manner.

A Community Planning Permit (CPP) System aims to simplify and improve the processes for regulating land use within an area. It enables the town to issue development permits (with or without conditions) in a one-application, one-approval authority process compared to the traditional process of making separate re-zoning, site-plan and/or minor variance applications. 

This single application process enables the town and development applicants to more efficiently work together to achieve common goals of mixed land use, affordable housing, and sustainable design, as described in the town’s Official Plan.

Based on Council’s resolution from March 18, 2024, the town is investigating the use of the CPP System in Midtown Oakville.


Prior to passing a CPP by-law, the town is required to update its Official Plan. Consultation on proposed policies to enable the use of a CPPS are underway through the Midtown Oakville Growth Area Review

The town is also developing a Housing Needs Assessment study for which consultation will begin in fall 2024. If deemed appropriate and viable, the town may also apply Inclusionary Zoning provisions within the community planning permit system. 

Consultation regarding Midtown Oakville specific CPP by-law provisions will take place after the Midtown Oakville OPA is adopted.