Affordable Housing Community Improvement Plan

A tool in the Planning Act that enables the town to incentivize the provision of affordable housing within private developments.  

A Community Improvement Plan (CIP) is a tool in the Planning Act that enables the town to incentivize the provision of affordable housing, among other matters, within private development.

Prior to preparing the CIP, the town will first complete its Housing Needs Assessment (HNA) and prepare a background study.  

Consultation regarding the HNA and enabling policies will take place through three focus group sessions starting fall 2024 where registered participants will be engaged and provide their input to inform a common understanding about housing needs, challenges and opportunities in Oakville.

Based on the findings of the HNA and CIP background study, the town will consult on possible programs that may be implemented to incentivize affordable housing.  These programs may be related to provision of land, grants, and/or loans.