Mattamy (Joshua Creek) Limited - Phase 3 - Z.1307.07 and 24T-20007/1307

Zoning By-law Amendment & Plan of Subdivision
Part of Lots 8 and 9, Concession 1, NDS
File No. Z.1307.07 and 24T-20007/1307


A Draft Plan of Subdivision application has been submitted to permit the development of 1031 residential units consisting of 687 detached dwellings, 344 townhouse units, two village squares, two neighbourhood parks, elementary school and natural heritage system.  A Zoning By-law amendment has also been submitted to rezone the lands from Existing Development (ED) to General Urban, Sub-Urban, Neighbourhood Centre, Park, Institutional and Natural Heritage System to implement the plan of subdivision.

Making submissions and preserving appeal rights

For information on making submissions and appeal rights please visit the Making Submissions and Preserving Appeal rights page.


Contact information

Leigh Musson
Manager - Planning, Current Planning - East District
905-845-6601, ext. 3371

Supporting documents - August 2022

Any inquiries for the Environmental Impact Report and Functional Servicing Study please contact Leigh Musson directly at 905-845-6601, ext. 3371 or at