1000326628 Ontario Inc. - 1075 North Service Road West - 24CDM-23001/1521

Draft Plan of Condominium 
1075 North Service Road West 
File No:  24CDM-23001/1521


A Draft Plan of Condominium application is proposed to convert the existing two-storey building into individual condominium units. The proposed division will reflect the existing unit types, including 27 office, 18 flex-office (office with potential for ancillary storage) and 13 warehouse for a total of 58 units. 

Staff Report

February 5, 2024 - Planning and Development Council Agenda

Making submissions and preserving appeal rights

For information on making submissions and appeal rights please visit the Making Submissions and Preserving Appeal rights page.

Contact information

Delia McPhail
905-845-6601, 3785