Spruce Rose Inc. - 304 and 318 Spruce Street - Z.1613.66 and 24T-24003/1613

Zoning By-Law Amendment and Draft Plan of Subdivision 
304 and 318 Spruce Street
File No: Z.1613.66 and 24T-24003/1613


The proposed Zoning By-law Amendment application proposes to rezone the property to permit seven lots for single detached houses fronting on Reynolds Street and Spruce Street. Accompanying the rezoning application is an application for Draft Plan of Subdivision comprising seven lots and one Block for a proposed daylight triangle.

Staff report

Item 7.2 - Subdivision and Zoning By-law Amendment, Spruce Rose Inc., 304 and 318 Spruce Street – File Nos. 24T-24003/1613 and Z.1613.66

Making submissions and preserving appeal rights

For information on making submissions and appeal rights please visit the Making Submissions and Preserving Appeal Rights page.

Contact information

Muzaib Riaz
905-845-6601, ext. 3261