Zoning By-law Amendment, Official Plan Amendment and Draft Plan of Subdivision
590 Argus Road
File: Z.1614.81, OPA 1614.81 & 24T-23001/1614
The proposal is to develop the site into a mixed-use community comprised of a three mixed-use building that are 44, 50 and 58 storeys in height. The proposal also includes two large open spaces.
Appealed to Local Planning Appeal Tribunal (Case number OLT-23-000911).
Item 6.2 - September 11, 2023, Planning and Development Council agenda
Making Submissions and Preserving Appeal Rights
For information on making submissions and appeal rights please visit the Making Submissions and Preserving Appeal Rights page.
Contact information
Kate Cockburn
Senior Planner
905-845-6601, ext. 3124
Supporting documents