123 Maurice Developments Ltd. - 123 Maurice Drive - 24CDM-24011/1615
Format Lakeshore Inc. - 42 Lakeshore Road West - OPA 1715.25 and Z.1715.25
Garden Residences Corporation - 105 to 159 Garden Drive - 24T-25001/1617
Garden Residences Corporation - 105 to 159 Garden Drive - Z.1617.47 and OPA 1617.47
Helberg Properties Limited c/o Collage Works - 50 Speers Road - Z.1616.57 and OPA 1616.57
2667711 Ontario Inc. - 239 to 249 Rebecca Street - 24T-22007/1617 and 24CDM-22005/1617
Oakville Developments (2010) Inc. - 550 Kerr Street - Z.1616.55
Appleby College - 540 Lakeshore Road West - 1720.001/33
Cloverdale Paint Inc. - 1257 to 1281 Speers Road - 1623.024/01
Gardiner Motors Ltd. - 899 Equestrian Court - 1621.046/01
AVID-IGH Hotel - 170 North Service Road West - 1517.001/01
Design Quorum Incorporated - 74 Stewart Street - 1616.069/01
Family Dentist Tree - 86 Wilson Street - 1715.043/01
HCDSB - 255 Morden Road - 1618.018/03
Nicola Wyecroft Ltd. - 226 Wyecroft Road - 1617.060/01
Oakville Transit Bus Storage Facility - 430 Wyecroft Road - 1619.043/01
QPC Pack - 579 Speers Road - 1620.031/01
Halton Community Housing Corporation - 363 Margaret Drive - 1617.059/01
Rockstone Tool and Die Limited - 1044 South Service Road West - 1621.044/02
Suncor Energy Inc. - 1123 Dorval Drive - 1518.029/01
The Regional Municipality of Halton - 1258 Rebecca Street - 1723.022/01
- Planning Studies
- Active Development Applications
- Ward 1 - Development and Site Plan Applications
- Ward 2 - Development and Site Plan Applications
- Ward 3 - Development and Site Plan Applications
- Ward 4 - Development and Site Plan Applications
- Ward 5 - Development and Site Plan Applications
- Ward 6 - Development and Site Plan Applications
- Ward 7 - Development and Site Plan Applications