A "short-term accommodation" typically describes rentals that occur over a short period of time (e.g. less than 29 days).
Online platforms facilitate bookings and payments for short-term property rentals. All short-term accommodations (STAs) require a licence to operate.
Here are some of the rules:
- Short-term accommodations are permitted in most housing types
- A short-term accommodation host must be the principal resident
- A short-term accommodation operator must obtain a town business licence
- Companies such as Airbnb must also be licensed with the town
- New regulations permit three units within a bed and breakfast
Please review the Short Term Accommodation Licensing By-law for more details.
Types of STA licences
There are two types of STA licences - an operator licence and a company licence. You should only apply for the licence that applies to you.
- Operator licence
If you are the individual responsible for the operation of a short term accommodation building or unit you should apply for the Short Term Accomodation Operator Licence. - Company licence
If you are an online platform advertising short term rentals on behalf of operators, you need to apply for a Short Term Accomodation Company Licence.
Apply for an STA operator licence
To apply for an operator's licence please ensure all requirements relating to your licence class have been met including:
- Property maintenance and parking plan (pdf)
- Sample property floor plan (pdf)
- Property Owner/Tenant Consent form (please complete if you wish to operate a STA but are a tenant of the property)
- A copy of the transfer/deed providing proof of ownership of the property being registered as a STA.
- Inspection certificate from an electrical contractor licensed by the Electrical Safety Authority (ESA). The electrical contractor does not have to be an employee of the ESA, they only need to be properly licensed. The contractor may complete the Electrical System Inspection form (pdf) which must contain the electrical contractor's ESA license number. To find an ESA contractor please search the ESA contractor locator tool on the ESA website.
- A heating, venting, and air conditioning inspection report (pdf) performed by a HVAC installer that holds a current and valid Town of Oakville business licence. Please search the list of licensed contractors to find an HVAC contractor who is licensed in the Town of Oakville.
- Zoning approval to operate STA in requested location (please email zoningrequests@oakville.ca to initiate your request)
- If a corporation, provide a copy of the incorporating documents and corporate number.
- If incorporated, a certified copy of an annual tax return, which contains a list of all shareholders of the corporation.
- If partnership, a photocopy of the driver's licence for each partner, along with complete contact information.
- A photocopy of the driver's licence for each owner, applicant and/or agent, including telephone number and email addresses. Applicants must be at least 18 years of age.
- The rental agent's or agency's name, address, telephone number and email address
- Proof of Insurance that includes a liability limit of no less than 2 million dollars and identifies that a STA is being operated on the property.
- A copy of a Canadian Criminal Reference check issued by an accredited Canadian Police Service, no more than 30 days old at the time of the licence application.
- The website or other platform where your property is being advertised.
Submit your business licence application online.
Use Chrome or Safari for the best experience. If this is your first time using the town’s online services, you will need to create an account by setting up a user name and password. Select sign in and then select the option to sign up. If you already have a town account, you may be able to use your username and password which you previously created.
Submission Standards
Help us process your application faster by submitting your documents in the following format:
- Save files in a pdf format.
- Organize documents as separate files. Document types can contain multiple pages, such as drawings or floor plans.
- Name your files appropriately, i.e. AMCE Articles of Incorporation.pdf This saves significant time in processing your application.
- All files should be easy to read, i.e. scanned documents.
- Ensure all required documentation is added to your application submission or your application will be delayed.
- Resubmissions: In the event you are requested to resubmit materials, please only submit those requested. Do not resubmit the entire application package unless requested to do so
For more information please review the Short Term Accommodation By-law for details.
After you receive a short term accommodation operator licence you must:
- Post your licence number on all advertisements
- Display your licence in a prominent location in the STA to which it applies
- Provide a copy of the Renters Code of Conduct (pdf) to all renters of the STA
- This document sets out the roles and responsibilities of the renter, including behavioural expectations as they relate to the non-disturbance and provides a warning related to the making of a disturbance. This document will identify applicable town by-laws that the renter must comply with including the provisions of this by-law as it relates to the parking management plan, noise and garbage/waste disposal.
- Keep a record of the renter. The record of renter must be readily available for inspection at all times by an officer for a period of one year. The record must contain the following:
- date of entry
- length of stay
- home address of renter
- confirmation of receipt of the Renters Code
Apply for an STA company licence
To apply for a company licence, please ensure all documents relating to your licence class have been met, including:
- If a corporation, provide a copy of the incorporating documents and corporate number.
- If a corporation, a certified copy of an annual tax return, which contains a list of all shareholders of the corporation
- If partnership, a photocopy of the drivers licence of each partner, along with complete contact information.
- Certificate of Commercial General Liability Business Insurance in the amount of five million dollars. Town of Oakville and address must appear on the certificate as either "Additional Insured" or "Certificate Holder".
- List of all Short Term Accommodation operators including their full name, address of STA, the date the operator became active on the website or platform and the confirmed bookings associated with each operator.
- A photocopy of the driver's licence for the applicant and/or agent. Applicants must be at least 18 years of age.
- An indemnity in favour of the town from and against claims, demands, losses, costs, damages, actions, suits, or proceedings that arise out of, or are attribute to, the STA Company’s business and services, which shall be in a form satisfactory to the town.
Submit your business licence application online.
Use Chrome or Safari for the best experience. If this is your first time using the town’s online services, you need to create an account by setting up a username and password. Select sign in and then select the option to sign up. If you already have a town account, you may be able to use your username and password which you previously created.
Submission Standards
Help us process your application faster by submitting your documents in the following format:
- Save files in a pdf format.
- Organize documents as separate files. Document types can contain multiple pages, such as drawings or floor plans.
- Name your files appropriately, i.e. AMCE Articles of Incorporation.pdf This saves significant time in processing your application.
- All files should be easy to read, i.e. scanned documents.
- Ensure all required documentation is added to your application submission or your application will be delayed.
- Resubmissions: In the event you are requested to resubmit materials, please only submit those requested. Do not resubmit the entire application package unless requested to do so
For more information, please review the Short Term Accommodation Licensing By-law for details.
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