Seasonal Commercial Patio Program

The seasonal commercial patio permit program will run from May 1 to November 1, 2025.

2025 commercial patio program

Carefully review this page and the new Patio Permit Application Process page for full information on processes, minimum standards and operational requirements for patios for the 2025 season.

The Seasonal Commercial Patio Program does not include patios located on private property or in public parks. 

To operate a patio on private property or in a public park, please contact

Program details


With a town permit, patios, bistros and displays can be temporarily installed on town-owned lands. 

If you are interested in operating a patio on private property or within a public park, please contact


Temporary patios, bistros and outdoor displays can operate from May 1, 2025 to November 1, 2025.


All patios, bistros and outdoor displays must have a valid Town of Oakville permit prior to installation and operation.

Types of patios


A bistro patio is a simple, unenclosed patio consisting only of a few tables and chairs. It is located on the sidewalk along the frontage of the business. 


On the sidewalk along the frontage of the restaurant/café. The width of the sidewalk must be sufficient to accommodate a small amount of seating, while maintaining an accessible and clear path for pedestrians.

Size and alignment

  • Limited to the width of the frontage of your business.
  • Must maintain a minimum 1.8 metre pedestrian clear path of travel, including offsets from streetscape elements such as fire hydrants and waste receptacles

Perimeter treatment

No enclosure is required. However, patio furniture must remain within the approved area.

Additional considerations

All tables, chairs, and umbrellas must be removed from the sidewalk at the end of each business day and may only be placed on the sidewalk at the start of your business hours.


This type of patio is larger than a bistro patio and has a stable enclosure that delineates the patio area from the streetscape.

It may consist of railings, tables, chairs, umbrellas, host stands, plants, solar lights, and/or other patio furnishings.


On the sidewalk along the frontage of the business or on the boulevard along the roadway in line with the frontage of the business. 

The width of the sidewalk and/or boulevard must be able to accommodate the enclosed patio area, without conflicting with streetscape elements and while maintaining an accessible and clear path for pedestrians

Size and alignment

  • Limited to the width of the frontage of your business.
  • Must maintain a minimum 1.8 metre pedestrian clear path of travel, including offsets from streetscape elements such as fire hydrants and waste receptacles.
  • Must retain unobstructed access to the building and adjacent establishments.
  • Align the patio entrance with the main entrance of your business where possible.

Perimeter treatment

Enclosed by a stable, secure enclosure that delineates the patio area from the streetscape.

Additional considerations

  • A platform may be used to provide a level patio surface where a slope is present, subject to additional requirements and approvals. A raised platform patio will not be allowed on a flat surface in the sidewalk or boulevard. 
  • Patios near corners and intersections may have additional requirements to ensure the increased activity will not interfere with pedestrian flow and safety.


An on-street patio is a patio located in an on-street parking space or spaces. 

It is required to have an enclosure and may consist of railings, tables, chairs, umbrellas, host stands, solar lights, plants, and/or other patio furnishings. A platform at-grade with the curb is required. Patios that extend from the on-street parking space on the boulevard/sidewalk are permitted where space allows. 


On-street parking spaces within a parking lay-by or parking lane where the width of the sidewalk may be limited and on-street parking is available adjacent to the curb.

Size and alignment

  • The patio must occupy a minimum of one and maximum of two parking spaces. Half spaces may be considered where they can be shared with a neighbouring patio. 
  • The adjacent sidewalk space must be maintained, with a minimum 1.8 metre pedestrian clear path of travel located between the on-street patio and surrounding buildings.
  • The patio may be extended onto the sidewalk to create a larger patio area if the minimum 1.8 metre pedestrian clear path of travel can be maintained.
  • The patio area may be extended beyond the width of the frontage of your business without permission from adjacent establishments if the patio is contained within the on-street parking spaces. 
  • The occupied parking should be as close to your business as possible and align the patio entrance with the main entrance of your business where possible.

Perimeter treatment

Enclosed by a stable, secure enclosure that delineates the patio area from the streetscape. The recommended minimum height for an enclosure is 42 inches, or 1.1 metres.

Additional considerations

Platforms are required to create a flush condition with the boulevard for accessibility. Platforms remain the responsibility of the patio operator to provide to the satisfaction of the town.

Additional safety equipment (such as planter boxes) may be required depending on the location of the on-street patios at the discretion of the town. Participants will be advised if additional safety equipment is required in their location. 

Patios will not be permitted in EV charging, accessible, quick stop or loading spaces.

Use of parking spaces is not guaranteed until an application is approved and the agreement executed. There is a parking space rental fee of $580 (including HST) per space for the 2025 patio season. 

Alternate configurations

Additional configurations for patios could be considered in special circumstances where unique streetscape challenges or roadway configurations exist. 

The consideration and approval of these patios will be at the sole discretion of the Town of Oakville.

Images: Types of patios

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