Licensing is required for most businesses
Holding a valid business licence ensures businesses follow by-law regulations, providing supporting documentation and security clearances to ensure consumer protection.
Operating a business in the Oakville without a valid licence is a chargeable offence. Operating a business in the Oakville without a valid licence is a chargeable offence. The Business Licensing By-law, regulates businesses in Oakville. Business licences are non-transferable, and licence fees are non-refundable and not prorated.
Refer to Schedule 1, Section 2 “General Definitions” in the Business Licensing By-law for a definition of each licence type listed.
- Adult Entertainment Establishment - Attendant
- Adult Entertainment Establishment - Operator
- Adult Entertainment Establishment - Owner
- Adult Entertainment Video Vendor
- Animals for Entertainment
- Arborist Licence
- Auctioneer
- Billiard Hall
- Body Rub Establishment - Attendant
- Body Rub Establishment - Operator
- Body Rub Establishment - Owner
- Bowling Alley
- Building Renovator
- Commercial Parking Lot - Operator
- Donation Box Operator
- Donation Box Additional Locations
- Drain Laying Contractor
- Driving School Operator
- Driving School Vehicle
- Dry Cleaner/Launderette
- Exhibition
- Fireworks Vendor
- Food Shop - Ancillary Use
- Food Shop - Restaurant
- Food Shop - Special Event
- Group Home
- HVAC Contractor
- Kennel
- Landscaping/Property Maintenance Contractor and Lawn Care
- Limousine Driver
- Limousine Owner
- Limousine Special Occasion
- Lodging House
- Mobile Sign Lessor
- Motor Vehicle Facility
- Night Club
- Outdoor Market
- Personal Services Establishment
- Pet Shop
- Plumbing Contractor
- Pool Installation Contractor
- Public Hall
- Refreshment Vehicle Operator
- Refreshment Vehicle Owner
- Refreshment Vehicle - Special Event
- Salvage Yard
- Second Hand Goods Shop
- Short Term Accommodation Company
- Short Term Accommodation Operator
- Special Sale
- Taxi Driver
- TNC Licence
- Tobacconist/Vape/E-cigarette
Additional information for the following business licences is available:
Fees and application requirements vary depending on the type of business. Fees are non-refundable and not transferable.
Business licence applications
All business licence applications (new and renewal) must be submitted using the online services.
Depending on the type of business you are licencing, you will be required to provide supporting documents. For an overview of what documents you need to include with your application submission, please review the new licence and renewal requirements (pdf).
Each business requiring a licence needs to complete an application through our online services and pay the required licencing fee.
For current fees, review the Business Licence Application Fees (pdf) document.
Submission standards
Help us process your application faster by submitting your documents in the following format:
- Save files in a PDF format.
- Organize documents as separate files. Document types can contain multiple pages, such as drawings or floor plans relating to the same file.
- Name your files appropriately, i.e. AMCE Articles of Incorporation.pdf This saves significant time in processing your application.
- All files should be easy to read. Double check to make sure scanned documents aren't dark, blurry or cut off.
- Ensure all required documentation is added to your application submission or your application will be delayed.
- Resubmissions: In the event you are asked to resubmit materials, please only submit those files that are requested. Do not resubmit the entire application package unless asked to do so.
Additional supporting documents
To assist you with your application, review the following templates and reference material required for specific business license applications.
- Electrical System Inspection Certificate (pdf)
- Fireworks Vendor - Fire Safety Audit Form (pdf)
- Group Home - List of Other Locations Form (pdf)
- Heating Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC) Inspection Certificate (pdf)
- Lodging House - Emergency Plan Form (pdf)
- Lodging House - Fire Safety Audit Form (pdf)
- Short Term Accommodation Company - Indemnity Form (pdf)
- Short Term Accommodation Company - Property Maintenance and Parking Plan Requirements (pdf)
- Short Term Accommodation Company - Sample Floor Plan (pdf)
- Short Term Accommodation - Renter Code of Conduct (pdf)
- Taxi Driver - Accessibility Training Guide (pdf)
- Transportation Network Company - Indemnity Form (pdf)
Submit your application online
You can now submit your business licence application online. Use Chrome or Safari for the best experience.
If this is your first time using the town’s online services, you will need to create an account by setting up a username and password. Select sign in and then select the option to sign up. If you already have a town account, you may be able to use your username and password which you previously created.
Please contact 905-845-6601 or should you require assistance with your account.
What you can expect after submission
Once you have submitted your application and paid the required fee, your application will be reviewed to ensure all required information has been provided. Should your application be deemed incomplete, you will be notified via email. Your application will not proceed until all required documents and payment are received.
It may take up to 10 business days for you to receive your licence. Once your application is approved, you will be notified by email with instructions to log into your town account to obtain a copy of your business licence.
How to submit a question regarding your business licence application
After you have submitted your application, if you have any questions, submit them through the "Comments and Responses" option available in our online service. To access this option:
- Log into your town account.
- Select the "Licences" tile.
- Select the "Business Licence" tile.
- Select the "Detail" button beside the applicable licence application on the "My Licences and Applications" page.
- Select the "Comments and Reponses" tab.
- Select the "Add" button to add your question.
- Enter your question in the field.
- Select the “Add Comment” button to submit your question.
You can also contact or 905-845-6601.
Licence renewal
Businesses will receive a courtesy renewal notice via email or mail at least one month before their licence expiry date. The renewal letter will outline the documentation required for licence renewal.
If your licence expires at the end of the month and you have not received your renewal letter, please contact or 905-845-6601.
- Building & Renovations
- Building Permits & Inspections
- Construction Projects
- Non-residential Interior Alterations
- Non-residential Additions and Alterations
- Non-residential New Construction
- Non-residential Demolition
- Temporary Tents and Garden Centres
- Shelf and Rack Storage System
- Part 3 New Residential Construction
- Part 3 Residential Addition and Alteration
- Part 3 Residential Alteration
- Site Servicing
- Solar Panel Installation
- Rates & Fees
- Planning & Development
- Planning Studies
- Active Development Applications
- Ward 1 - Development and Site Plan Applications
- Ward 2 - Development and Site Plan Applications
- Ward 3 - Development and Site Plan Applications
- Ward 4 - Development and Site Plan Applications
- Ward 5 - Development and Site Plan Applications
- Ward 6 - Development and Site Plan Applications
- Ward 7 - Development and Site Plan Applications
Business licence how-to videos
Submit a business licence application

Resubmit a business licence application

Update your business insurance