Bronte Area Construction Activities

Construction activity updates in the Bronte Village Area.

The purpose of this page is to provide area residents information regarding the various construction activities happening in the Bronte Village area. 

Oakville’s Bronte Village area has a number of projects underway, including both town and developer projects that providing more housing, commercial and retail attractions. The developments are third-party projects led by the developer who has the responsibility to ensure that residents and businesses are kept informed of key updates as the projects progress. 

The town prioritizes public safety, and works with developers and contractors to ensure that they identify and mitigate construction impacts such as dust, noise, parking, road closures and more. 

Bronte Construction Activity Map

Key updates

Northbound Bronte Road is closed from Marine Drive to Lakeshore Road West until the end of 2024. 

  • Only southbound direction is available. 
  • Detour is Marine Drive, Jones Street and Lakeshore Road West.

For individual site impact to sidewalk, bike lane, please refer to individual site below.

  • 2340 Ontario Street Parking Lot Repaving 
    • Tender awarded to repave and curb the entire parking lot at Bronte Heritage Waterfront Park
    • Project will be initiated in early April, plan completion end of May
    • Will try and phase the work to allow some parking but that is still to be determined
  • Bronte Fisherman’s Wharf
    • Tender awarded to replace and widen north section of boardwalk along Fisherman’s Park
    • Project will be initiated end of April and anticipated six weeks of construction.
    • 12 -14 parking stalls immediately adjacent to the boardwalk will be unavailable for the construction period. As the project progress, only necessary parking spaces will be block off to minimize impact to the parking spaces.
  • East/Ontario Street Intersection Improvements
    • The town installed an all-way stop and accessible pedestrian crossing points at the path connection and on the west side of the driveway at the intersection of East Street and Ontario Street. This work was completed in May 2024.
  • Ontario Street Resurfacing
    • The town will be resurfacing Ontario Street this fall.
    • Timeline of resurfacing will not conflict with Terry Fox Run and the Oakville Half Marathon and the above town projects as they will be completed in the spring.

Businesses and residents are encouraged to reach out to the developer with any questions and concerns. Please view the appropriate project page for their contact information. If the developer is unable to help you, please contact ServiceOakville at who will ensure your request is forwarded to the appropriate department.

For concerns relating to parking, excessive noise, or construction dust, please submit a request through our Online Services 24 hours a day, days a week.